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7小时前 回答问题

单独说 He lived,意义不完整,其后应跟上适当的“状语”,表明 live 的时间、地点、方式、条件等。如:He lived in the 16th century. 他生活在16世纪。She lived to the age of 75. 她活到了75岁。I lived there for a time. 我在那儿住过一段时间。He lived through both world wars. 他经历过两次世界大战。She lived on our block. 她住在我们那个街区。I lived in the country when I was small. 我小时候住在乡下。They lived near the sea. 他们住在海边。They lived on the fringe of the forest. 他们住在森林边缘。He lived a hardscrabble life. 他生活艰苦。They lived from day to day. 他们过一天算一天。

1天前 回答问题

Our company’s performance this year has been slightly disappointing. 句子中的 this year 不是时间状语,而是修饰名词performance 的后置定语,句意:我们公司今年的业绩有点令人失望。又如下面句子中的时间短语也是后置定语(不是时间状语):The rain this month was below average. 这个月的降雨量低于平均标准。The profit this year was £1 million. 今年的利润为一百万英镑。The weather this winter is worse than it was last year. 今年冬天的天气比去年冬天的差。The storm last night blew down the tree. 昨晚的暴风雨把树刮倒了。The weather last summer was awful. 刚过去的夏季天气真糟糕。The announcement last week came as a shock to all of us. 上星期的通知使我们大家都吃了一惊。The meeting next month will discuss international trade. 下月的会议将讨论国际贸易问题。

2024-07-12 07:48 回答问题

句子的先行词是主句的主语 The first house and the second house,in both of which 是复杂关系代词,它与 in which 的作用是一样的,只不过因为有两个 houses,所以加上了 both of。

2024-07-07 22:14 回答问题

sort of 虽然含有介词 of,但它的用法实际上相当于副词,意思是“有点儿”“稍微”,与to some (small) degree同义:I sort of think it’s more or less a big mistake. 我有点认为那件事或多或少地是个大的错误。We sort of thought you might forget. 我们有点儿觉得你可能会忘记。I sort of like him, but I don’t know why. 我有点喜欢他,但不知道为什么。

2024-07-07 10:29 回答问题

loads of既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。loads of...作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于名词的数。如:Loads of apples were rotten. 许多苹果都烂了。Loads of people are coming to our party.许多人要来参加我们的聚会。Loads of stuff is going to waste. 大量的材料要被浪费掉。Loads of milk was poured into the sea. 大量的牛奶倒进海里。

2024-07-01 19:51 回答问题

learn 可以用作及物或不及物动词,你的第一句 learn 是及物动词(后面接 English 作宾语),第二句中的 learn 是不及物动词,后面接的介词短语是状语(方式状语)。

2024-06-16 08:21 回答问题

The machine is ________.A. to redesignB. to be redesigned本题应该填不定式的被动式。The machine is to be redesigned.这机器将重新设计。不定式作表语时,若意义是被动的,应该用不定式的被动式。可能的例外是不定式to let, to rent, to blame。如:The house is to let. 房屋出租。 The house is to rent. 这个房子要出租。The boy is to blame. 这个男孩应该受到责备。

2024-06-14 14:48 回答问题

hobby用单数或复数都可以:用单数,表示他们只有一个共同爱好(比如都喜欢“摄影”);用复数,表示他们有多个共同爱好(比如“摄影”“钓鱼”“打球”等)。下面是两句用单数的例子,摘自《剑桥高级英语词典》:I would like to meet other people with the same hobby. 我想结识其他有同样爱好的人。I met another person with the same hobby. 我认识了另一个有同样爱好的人。下面是用复数的一个例子: Tom and Chris have the same hobbies and interests. 汤姆和克里斯有相同的爱好和兴趣。

2024-06-14 12:05 回答问题

从语法上说,你可以认为 allow him 是 allow him to do so 的省略用法。但是,事实上人们很少这样用,感觉人们通常是用 let him。如:I wanted to leave but they wouldn’t let me. 我想走,但他们不让我走。He’d eat chocolate all day long if I let him. 我要是不拦着,他会整天不停地吃巧克力。He tried to jump the queue but they wouldn’t let him. 他想要插队,但他们不让。

2024-06-05 22:37 回答问题
