还是那道94高考题:the first后接不定式被动式还是过去分词(续篇)

之前写过一篇“还是那道1994年高考题:the first后接不定式被动式还是过去分词”的文章,最近又看到一些例句,又有点新的理解,想再谈谈这个问题,顺便更正、补充某些国内语法书上的一些纷繁复杂的说法。

之前写过一篇“还是那道1994年高考题:the first后接不定式被动式还是过去分词”的文章,最近又看到一些例句,又有点新的理解,想再谈谈这个问题,顺便更正、补充某些国内语法书上的一些纷繁复杂的说法。

    翻查了很多国外语法资料,对于不定式用于后修饰的问题讨论相对别的书来说比较详细的还是要属Quirk名著“A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language”,只是对于我们来说讨论还不够深入,比如主谓关系下的不定式的被动式应该如何理解就只是一笔带过。以下是选自其P1269

17.32 Postmodifying to-infinitive clauses can have either a modal or a nonmodal sense, but the modal interpretation seems to be normal, as indicated by most of the examples given so far. If the antecedent corresponds to the object of the infinitive, the modal interpretation is the only possible one:

 The thing to do is . . . ['The thing we should do is . . .'; not = 'The thing we do is . . .' or 'The thing we are going to do is . . .']

 If the antecedent corresponds to the subject of the infinitive, the interpretation may be nonmodal, particularly if the antecedent has a 'restrictive' marker such as last and the infinitive is equivalent to a relative clause:

They were the last guests to arrive. ['They were the last guests who arrived.']

Such 'restrictive' markers include adjectives in the superlative degree, general
ordinals (next, last, only), first, or other ordinal numeral.


Getting a work permit was the first hurdle to overcome.动宾关系

= Getting a work permit was the first hurdle that you should overcome.情态意义


The first textbooks to write for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. 就是错的了,动宾关系表示情态的意义,这不符合句意。


[1]The first person to call us with the right answer will win 10 CDs of their choice.(主谓关系)

这一句用情态意义来解释...person that can call us with...

[2]Nobody wanted to be the first to take the floor.主谓关系解释为情态意义

[3]He is the first ( = very willing) to admit that much of his success is due to his good looks.情态意义

[4]Bannister was the first man to run a mile in under four minutes.情态意义...that could run a mile in under four minutes

[5]They were the first people to travel east of the mountains.(=...people who travelled...)

[6]Amundsen was the first MAN to reach the South Pole. (‘...the first man who reached the South Pole.’)

[7]The last person to leave will have to turn out the lights.(=The last person who leaves...)

[8]You're the only student to sign up for the course.(=... the only student who has signed up for the course.)

[9]Ronald Reagan was the oldest man to become US President.(= the oldest man who became US President)




This is the best book on the subjects to appear this year. (= This is the best book on the subjects that will appear / has appeared this year.)主谓关系

这句理解成时态的意义,但由于没有上下文,我们无从知道该书是否已出版发行,所以改写成关系分句时,把它理解成用will appear/has appeared/appeared都可以。



[10]Education is often the first to be squeezed at a time of cuts.(that may be squeezed)

[11] It is the first form of public transport to be powered by alternative energy. (that will be/is powered)

[12]This essay collection, the first to be devoted to the Book of the Duchess (hereafter BD), offers a range of approaches. (that will be devoted)

[13]Dogs were probably the first animals to be domesticated.that could be/were domesticated

[14]He is the best man to be chosen by us. = He is the best man that we can choose.解释为情态意义

[15]The first British monarch to be filmed was Queen Victoria.(=...that was filmed...)

[16] He is the second man to be killed in this way. (the second man who was killed)

[17]He wasthe fifth person to be killed in sectarian violence. (the fifth person who was killed)

[18]He was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country.

[19]He was the fifth person to be killed in sectarian violence.

[20]You're not the first person to be tricked out of your savings.

[21]He is the sixth person to be arrested in relation to the coup plot.

[22]He is the third man to be murdered on the corner of the Donegal Road and the Falls Road in the past two years.

[23]He was one of the first to collect Picasso paintings.

[24]He's not the first politician to be caught with his pants down, and he won't be the last.

[25]In general, the first two branches to be established remain the most popular among students.



[16] He is the second man to be killed in this way. (the second man who was killed)


[16a] He was the second man to be killed in this way. (the second man who was killed)

to be killed先时的意义几乎不受影响,用was还是is唯一的区别在于说话的语境。


小结一下:the first+名词+ to be done这样类似的结构表示的意义有两种:可以表示情态的意义,也可以表示时态的意义(多见), 主要是结合上下文看句子的意思来决定。如果是时态的意义,to be done的这个结构通常都是完成了的动作(注意并不是绝对的,比如句12和句14)。

大家对那道高考题的分歧就在于有人看到to be written这个选项就直接理解为情态的意义,结合句意发现不对,所以这个选项就直接排除了。另一些人认为选项to be written可以理解为先时的动作,因为The first textbooks to be written符合上面讨论的可以理解为是时态的意义表示已完成了的动作,而不是情态的意义,这样也就符合句意了,所以这个选项可以选。这就是大家争论这个高考题的核心。


The first person to give the correct answer wins the contest.(麦克米兰高阶)主谓表情态

The first person to call us with the right answer will win 10 CDs of their choice.主谓表情态



[26]Those textbooks, the first to be written for teaching English as a foreign language, came out in the 16th century.  (正确)


[27] The first textbooks, written for teaching English as a foreign language, came out in the 16th century.        (正确)

[28] The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.        (正确)


[29] The first textbooks to be written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.(?不妥) 

[30] The first textbooks  ever to  be written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. (正确)



I was the first Western TV reporter ______ (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.


如果不要求所填词的个数,只是从正确这个角度来填的话,横线上可以填permitted/to be permitted/to have been permitted/ever to be permitted都可以,意思很细微的区别而已。

  • 发表于 2021-08-31 18:38
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