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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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2024-03-29 18:11 回答问题

She is a lady than whom I can imagine no one more courteous.than whom是一个约定成俗的说法,而且相当正式,用以引导关系分句。分句形式上用的是比较级,但因这类关系分词通常是否定的,所以句中的“否定词+比较级”实际上隐含的是最高级含义。即句中的 than whom I can imagine no one more courteous 是定语从句,修饰 a lady。句中的关系代词 whom 指代先行词 a lady,所以定语从句的字面意思可理解为:I can imagine no one more courteous than her. 我想象不出有谁比她更有礼貌(即她最有礼貌)。She is a lady than whom I can imagine no one more courteous. 的意思就是:她比我能想象出的任何人都更有礼貌。顺便说一句,这类定语从句的 than whom 之前,而不能放在句末,即通常不说:* She is a lady whom I can imagine no one more courteous than.更多相关例句如:He is a person than whom I think no one is more polite. 我觉得他这人比别人都更有礼貌。She is a woman than whom no one is more selfish. 没有比她更自私的女人了。He is a novelist than whom none is better. 他是一位无人能望其项背的小说家。He is a scientist than whom I can imagine no one greater. 我想不出一个比他更伟大的科学家了。He is a man than whom no one has a better right to speak. 他比任何人都更有权利发言。

2024-03-17 10:50 回答问题

你的问题在 Otto Jespersen 的 Essentials of English Grammar 有相关分析(见该书第13.21节):

2024-03-17 07:43 回答问题

你的怀疑是有道理的。因为,如果是不定式的复合结构,那不定式前面的名词就应该是不定式的逻辑主语,但这里显然不是。这里的不定式应该是目的状语。本句的不定式其实也可以移到句首:To save his friend, he was willing to risk death. 或改成In order to:In order to save his friend, he was willing to risk death. 

2024-03-06 10:33 回答问题

名词性关系分句由whatever, wherever, whoever, whichever, what, where, when, why 等wh-词引导,相当于带有关系分句作后置修饰语的名词短语。如:You can do whatever you like.You can wear whichever dress suits you best.Whoever did that should admit it frankly.Is this where she was born?That was when she lived here.That’s why she spoke.当where, when, why引导名词性关系分句时,通常可视为其前省略了相关名词(如the place, the time, the reason)。如:注意,which, whom和who通常不引导名词性关系分词,除非用于非特指语境且通常只限于连用某些特定的类动词(choose, like, please, want, wish等)。如:You can give it to who / whom / whoever / whomever you please. She can marry whom(ever) she pleases. You can take which / whichever you like. 另外注意,名词性关系分句与名词性疑问分句不同。比较:He gave me what I wanted. (名词性关系分句)He asked me what I wanted. (名词性疑问分句)

2024-02-21 08:04 回答问题

More nurses is the next item on the agenda.这里的谓语动词用单数可以有两种理解:1. 将原句理解为倒装句:More nurses is the next item on the agenda.=The next item on the agenda is more nurses.2. 将原句理解为在句首省略了the question of或the issue of:More nurses is the next item on the agenda.=The question of ore nurses is the next item on the agenda.不过如果从“语法一致”的角度来考虑,原句用复数动词也是完全可以的:More nurses are the next item on the agenda.

2024-02-10 13:42 回答问题


2024-02-05 21:08 回答问题

句中的 so 表示方式,意思是“像这样”,相当于in the way that is described or suggested。如:Read from the top, so. 从最上面念起,就这样。Stand with your arms out, so. 两臂伸开站着,就这样。First you turn on the engine, so. 首先,你启动发动机,就像这样。注:这样用的 so 有时也可说成 like so 或 like this。

2024-01-24 21:36 回答问题

关于“more + 形容词”用于句首作评注性状语的用法,语法上是有认可的,只是要从词典上找一个 more interesting 的例句可能不容易。COLLINS COBUILD 在其 Grammar Patterns 2: nouns and adjectives 有过解释,并认为最经常这样用的形容词是 important,但 COLLINS COBUILD 并没有指出除 important 外还有哪些形容词可以这样用,不过根据他所给出的例句,至少 significant 也可以这样用。

2024-01-18 08:15 回答问题

严格说来,这里不是 no one 作定语,而是 no 修饰 one man,no one man与no man的区别是:前者表示“没有任何一个人(指单独的一个人,言外之意就是“没有多个人”“不需多个人”等)”,后者只表示“没有任何人”。比较:No man can finish it with so little time. 没有人能在这么短的时间内完成它。(谁也不行)No one man can finish it with so little time. 没有哪个人能单独在这么短的时间内完成它。(一个人不行,也许两个人或多个人就可以)更多例句如:No one man can do it. 这事没有哪一个人能单独为之。No one man can lift such a big stone. 没有谁一个人就能举起这样一块石头。有时用于名词前的 no one 只是加强否定的语气,意思是“没有任何人”“全部都不”。如:No one student in the class is stupid. 这个班没有一个学生是笨的。(即都不笨) 

2024-01-07 09:01 回答问题

前面几位老师对网友的问题从不同角度进行了分析,都很好。下面是我个人的看法,仅供参考。网友对将 long hours 翻译成“长时间”不理解,因为一个 hour 就是 60 个 minutes,不应该说 long hours,应该改用 many hours, a long time。其实,你查一下词典就知道,long 有“长时间的”这个意思。其实 long 不仅可以修饰 hours,还可以修饰 day(s), night(s), week(s), month(s), year(s), century(-ies) 等,表示强调:如果所谓的“长时间”你潜意识里是以“小时”来计算,你就说 long hours;如果所谓的“长时间”你潜意识里是以“天”来计算,你就说 long days;如果所谓的“长时间”你潜意识里是以“星期”来计算,你就说 long weeks;如果所谓的“长时间”你潜意识里是以“月”来计算,你就说 long months;如果所谓的“长时间”你潜意识里是以“年”来计算,你就说 long years;如果所谓的“长时间”你潜意识里是以“百年”来计算,你就说 long centuries;……例句如:Doctors work long hours. 医生的工作时间很长。The soldiers were suffering from exhaustion after long days and nights of marching 不分昼夜的行军让士兵精疲力竭。The labourers work long days and live in wretched conditions. 工人们长时间工作,生活条件恶劣。Farm workers often have to work very long days. 农场工人常常不得不每天工作很长时间。She temporarily lost her balance during the long months of solitude. 在与外界隔绝的漫长岁月中,她一度失去心态的平衡。It was her faith in God that helped her survive the long years in prison. 是她对上帝的信仰帮助她熬过了漫长的牢狱生涯。这样用的 long 用于具体数字后时其强调意味更明显。如:After 10 long weeks, his patience was rewarded. 经过漫长的10周之后,他的耐心得到了回报。They journeyed for seven long months. 他们作了长达七个月的旅行。The six long years in prison had coarsened him. 六年漫长的监狱生活使他变得粗鲁无礼。They were married for ten long years. 他们结婚有十年之久了。比较:He worked long hours.(指“一个小时接一个小时”的长时间)He worked long days.(指“日复一日”的长时间)He worked long weeks.(指“月复一月”的长时间)He worked long years.(指“年复一年”的长时间)