
He wanted to go to Shanghai on urgent business.


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最佳答案 2021-11-29 17:31

介词 on 表示“从事某项活动”,不是“因为” 之意。网友这样提问可能受了汉语翻译的影响。on 的这种意思,经常与 go 连用。

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陈才   - 英语教师

He wanted to go to Shanghai on urgent business.


on    (英文解释(引出所进行的活动,特别是旅行)处于…情况中,在从事…中 You use on to introduce an activity that someone is doing, particularly travelling.)

 I've always wanted to go on a cruise.我一直想坐游轮旅游。

Tom is on business/holiday/vacation汤姆在北京出差。

Jack is on holiday/vacation in Shanghai 杰克在上海 度假。

They look happy and relaxed as they stroll in the sunshine on a shopping trip.


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  • 气泡水 提出于 2021-11-29 00:20