陈才 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖北 - 荆州 注册于 2015-09-28



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10小时前 回答问题

Acquisio【主语】// analyzes 【谓语动词(1)】//advertising performance【宾语】// across multiple channels like Adwords, Bing and social media【后置定语】 //and 【并列连词】//makes【谓语动词(2)】// suggestions 【宾语】//about where advertising funds will yield best results【后置定语】.备注:about where advertising funds will yield best result为介词about+where引导的疑问分句构成介词短语作后置定语。You 【主语】// want【谓语动词(1)】// to predict something that needs attention now  //and 【并列连词】// point 【谓语动词(2)】to where it's useful for employees to go to.【方面状语】.”备注:to where it's useful for employees to go to为介词to+where引导的疑问分句构成介词短语作方面状语。

10小时前 回答问题

【1】Full details are in the table above.  详细信息请见上文表格。【副词用法】【2】Put it on the shelf above.把它放到上面的搁板上。【副词用法】【3】Please write to us at the above address.请按上述地址来函。【形容词用法】【4】The above bedroom is mine。上面的房间是我的。。【形容词用法】备注:网友只需要知道above为副词作定语放在被修饰词后面,above为形容词作定语放在被修饰词前面就可以了。副词above作后置定语的语义和形容词above作前置定语语义完全一样可以进行转换。

4天前 回答问题

【1】This pair of shoes is really nice. Do you like this pair?【2】This pair of shoes is really nice. Do you like them?【3】They are really nice. Do you like them?备注:一双鞋子,是由2只鞋子构成的,所以必须要使用复数。

4天前 回答问题

each instructor has his own body of theory , which he may prefer to that offended by any textbook.备注:which指代“his own body of theory”并在非限制型定语从句作谓语动词may prefer宾语,prefer A to B喜欢A胜过喜欢B,指代代词that指代body of theory.which he may prefer to that offended by any textbook.还原后就是He may prefer his own body of theory to the body of theory offended by any textbook

4天前 回答问题

三人行必有我师Among three persons walking together.There must be one  person to be excellent enough to be my teacher.

2024-10-08 18:40 回答问题

Millennials, it seems, face the paradox of being the least formal generation yet the most conscious of style and personal branding.参考译文:千禧一代似乎面临这样一个悖论:身为最不正式的一代,却又最关注时尚和个人品牌的一代。备注(1):it seems为插入语,意为“看来/似乎”。备注(2):句子结构 Millennials face the paradox of being the least formal generation yet the most conscious of style and personal branding.备注(3): of being ....and personal branding为介词短语做后置定语修饰paradox备注(4):the...generation和the...branding为yet连接的两个并列结构

2024-10-08 17:49 回答问题

I’ve seen image upgrades be helpful during transitions – when looking for a new job and changing work environments.参考译文:当在寻找一份新职位时,或者改变工作环境时时候,我见过形象提升在过渡时期起到很重要的作用,I【主语】// have seen【谓语动词】// image upgrades【宾语】// be helpful 【宾补】during transitions【时间状语】 – when looking for a new job and changing work environments【时间状语从句】.

2024-09-29 17:56 回答问题

【1】如果but前面出现动词do/does/did,后面but接不带to不定式He did nothing but laugh.他只是笑【2】如果but前面没有出现动词do/does/did,后面but接带to不定式He had no choice but to stay here。除了待在这里别无选择。He does everything but wash clothes.【正确】

2024-09-29 16:45 回答问题

It happened in the winter of 1988.【正确】备注:在表示“某年”的“春季/夏季/秋季/冬季”前面需要加定冠词“the”进行特指。

2024-09-29 12:09 回答问题

Tea is such an important part of British culture that we have an entire meal creation that we have entirely dedicated to our afternoon tea.主句:Tea is such an important part of British culture从句:that we have an entire meal creation that we have entirely dedicated to our afternoon tea.备注:从句修饰主句作结果状语,such为前位限定词,that为连词引导结果状语从句we have an entire meal creation that we have entirely dedicated to our afternoon tea.备注:关系代词that引导限制性定语从句,关系代词that指代an entire meal creation,并在定语从句作谓语动词have dedicated的宾语【1】We have an entire meal creation【主句】【2】We have entirely dedicated an entire meal creation to our afternoon tea.【定语从句】备注:把定语从句宾语an entire meal creation用that替代,并放到定语从句句首,然后在放到主句后面获得以下句子。【dedicate A to B 结构】We have an entire meal creation that we have entirely dedicated to our afternoon tea.