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2024-07-06 11:17 回答问题

Habitat Restoration Team volunteers【主语】// play【谓语动词】// a vital role【宾语】// in restoring sensitive resources and protecting endangered species across the ridges and valleys【方面状语】.句子使用重点短语: play a role/major/ role in doing sth 在做某事方面发挥/起着重要作用。The media play a major role in influencing people's opinions.媒体在影响舆论方面发挥着重要作用。

2024-06-28 11:35 回答问题

首先可以肯定seem为系动词,而且是“表象系动词”主要有以下几种结构用法。【1】seem+形容词You seem happy.你好像挺高兴。【2】seem+名词He seems a nice man.他好像是个好人。【3】seem like+名词It seemed like a good idea at the time.当时这主意好像不错。【4】seem +to do I seem to have left my book at home.我大概是把书忘在家里了。【5】It seem that 从句It seems that they know what they're doing.看来他们知道自己在干什么。【6】It seem+形容词+that从句It seems impossible that Tom wants to finish the work within two days.汤姆想在两天之内完成这个工作似乎不可能。

2024-06-26 19:51 回答问题

【2】While crossing the road, we must be careful. 【1】When it comes to sth意思是“当涉及到...时”或者“在谈到...的时,it指代某种情况。When it comes to coffee or tea, I always prefer coffee.谈到咖啡还是茶,我总是更喜欢咖啡。When it comes to evidence of climate change, the melting polar ice caps are a clear indicator.谈到气候变化的证据,融化的极地冰盖是一个明显的指标。When it comes to environmental protection, we must all take responsibility.谈到环境保护,我们每个人都必须承担起责任。【2】It was such fine weather that we went swimming.备注:such...that引导结果状语从句,如此...以至于Mary is such a kind girl that we all like her.玛丽是个如此善良女孩以至于我们都喜欢她。

2024-06-26 19:41 回答问题

On weekends and holidays, I spend most of my time to accompany with my parents.可以改为以下两个句子【1】On weekends and holidays, I spend most of my time staying with my parents. 备注:结构 spend +时间+(in) doing sthI spend too much time watching television.我看电视花的时间太多。【2】On weekends and holidays, I spend most of my time with my parents.备注:结构 spend+时间+with sb My daughter spent three days with her friend.我女儿和她朋友一起度过三天时间。I spent the night in a hotel with Tom.  我和汤姆在一家旅馆过夜。

2024-06-26 19:31 回答问题

当从句主语和主句相同时,可以把从句主语和助动词be省略,只保留while doing【1】My mother was cooking while I was watching TV.【2】He was selling the newspaper while (he was可省略) waiting for the bus.备注:第1句中的从句主语I和was不能省略,第2句中从句主语he和was可生路

2024-06-26 19:22 回答问题

【1】a lot of fish,called Sushi.这里called后置定语解答: called Sushi为过去分词短语作非限制性定语,相当于 which are called Sushi【2】Linda Miller,a mother of three,knows all about such stress. 这里,a mother of three是同位语解答:a mother of three是同位语,相当于 Linda Miller is a mother of tree【3】The buildings,both new and old,look completely different. 这里,both new and old,是同位语还是后置定语?解答:both new and old形容词短语作非限制性定语,相当于 which are both new and old【4】Worried,his mom called in a doctor and a nurse. worried属于形容词做状语还是非谓语动词做状语呢?怎么区分?解答:Worried为形容词作原因状语,相当于As his mom was worried, his mom called in a doctor and nurse.

2024-06-26 19:06 回答问题

Never lose heart,no matter what kind of problems you meet and wherever you are.=Never lose heart, no matter what kind of problems you meet and no matter where you are.备注(1):Never lose heart为主句备注(2): no matter what kind of problems you meet and no matter where you are.为让步状语从句

2024-06-03 14:07 关注了问题

2024-06-03 13:51 关注了问题

2024-06-03 13:26 关注了问题