The world’s largest oil importer作什么成分

The world’s largest oil importer, China is an irreplaceable trade partner both for Iran, the would-be leader of the Shia world, and for Saudi Arabia, its Sunni nemesis.



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最佳答案 2021-04-19 12:23

The world’s largest oil importer, China is an irreplaceable trade partner both for Iran, the would-be leader of the Shia world, and for Saudi Arabia, its Sunni nemesis.

你在句首加上 as 也可以,但不加也可以。

不加as的话,可将 The world’s largest oil importer China 理解为同位关系。

补充解答:你的句子主语是 China, the world’s largest oil importer 为同位语。


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其它 3 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

The world's largest oil importer, China is an irreplaceable trade partner both for Iran, the would-be leader of the Shia world, and for Saudi Arabia, its Sunni nemesis.


China, the world's largest oil importer,  is an irreplaceable trade partner both for Iran, the would-be leader of the Shia world, and for Saudi Arabia, its Sunni nemesis.


1.  如果同位成分,应该是后者解释前者,说明前者的身份、地位、特征等,而不是相反。网友的句子是 The world's largest oil importer 在前,而不是在后。

2.  如果是同位成分,应该前后都加逗号停顿。
我觉得,The world's largest oil importer 这个名词词组,应该分析为后面句子的原因状语


A skilful hand at improving tools, Mike helped to make a new type of cutter. 

从整个句子意思着眼,A skilful hand at improving tools, 跟句子的谓语部分有着密不可分的联系,已经不再是同位语了。从整体看,它表示谓语动词(helped to make)发生的原因。因此,A skilful hand at improving tools 作状语,具体说是原因状语。可以转换为一个原因状语从句:

Because he was a skilful hand at improving tools, Mike helped to make a new type of cutter. 



An excellent teacher, he has special abilities to teach his students.

关于an excellent teacher 这个名词词组,有语法书认为,它是句子主语 he 的同位语。理由是:它们指的是同一个人,an excellent teacher 是对 he 的解释。


仔细体会这个句子,我们发现:这种名词性结构,通常放在句首,说明后面句子的原因、让步、转折、对比” 等意义。是针对句子的谓语部分,是修饰谓语动词的。因为他是一位优秀的老师,才具备了......能力。”  an excellent teacher 应视为原因状语。又如:

1. A beautiful girl about my age, she bought the ticket for me when hearing that I had lost my wallet.


2. More than just a calculator, this is a complete personal organisation system.  远非只是个电脑,这是一个完备的个人组织系统。(原因)

3. A scientist with many years’ experience, he started this type of research in the early 1990s when he heard about hundreds of athletic shoes washing up on the shores of the northwest coast of the United States.


4. One of the earliest Chinese arch bridges with a long open-spandrel arch in the middle and two small arches on each side, this bridge occupies an important place in the history of Chinese bridge building and has been of interest to tourists and engineers alike.


5. Myself a teacher, I should help the students.

请问这句话对吗?如何理解如何理解 myself a teacher 的用法?

Myself a teacher是个名词性词组,表示身份的同时,也表示句子的原因。作原因状语。意为:(因为)我自己是一名老师,我应该帮助学生。(原因)

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对于网友这个问题,我支持千千老师的解答,因为 The world's largest oil importer China 的同位语,刘老师也说放在句中时是同位语。




张道真、章振邦、赵俊英的书里都提到同位语可以置于句首。章振邦提到放在句首和句尾的同位语强调意味相同。张道真和赵俊英书中提及表属性的同位语放在句首时可加 as。章振邦提到句首的同位语和无动词分句的区别,二者尽管长得完全一样,但可以区别(我还在茫然中)。在《剑桥英语语法》用 apposition appositive 分别搜,该书只承认确认性补充语为 supplementary apposition(即传统语法的非限制性同位语),归属性的不算,只提到同位语可以放到句尾,未提句首情况。



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