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正:This is all you need take.网友的这个句子在语法上没有问题,但这与其中的 all 有关(跟only一样,这类句子具有限制意味)。又如:正:All you need bring are sheets. 你需要带的就是床单。正:All we need do is threaten them. 我们只需要威胁他们一下。正:All you need do is to take a taxi from the airport. 你需要做的只是从机场乘一辆出租汽车。即如果没有 all,句子就错了。比如:误:You need take this.误:You need bring sheets. 误:We need threaten them.这些句子必须加上 to:正:You need to take this.正:You need to bring sheets. 正:We need to threaten them.当然,即使用了 all 在 need 后面也可以接带 to 不定式的。如:正:All you need to bring are sheets. 你需要带的就是床单。正:All we need to do is threaten them. 我们只需要威胁他们一下。正:All you need to do is to take a taxi from the airport. 你需要做的只是从机场乘一辆出租汽车。

2024-03-12 20:50 回答问题

He left before his wife arrived.The teacher had left before the students returned.上面两个句子的时态都是对的。不过,严格说来,主句宜用过去完成时,因为主句动作发生在从句动作之前,属于“过去的过去”。但是,由于连词 before(在……之前)本身体现了动作的先后关系,所以主句的过去完成时也可以简化为一般过去时。

2024-03-02 11:51 回答问题

你的句子用不定式或动名词都可以,但用动名词属于非正式用法:正:It is nice to work with the girl.正:It is nice working with the girl.相关依据见Swan的PEU第446节:

2024-03-02 09:16 回答问题

是的,although和though从句也可以省略主语和动词be 的,即当从句主语与主句主语相同且从句谓语含有动词be时,可以省略从句重复的主语和动词be。即:He is very experienced though young. =He is very experienced though he is young. 他虽然年轻,但很有经验。又如:Although (he is) still young he is going very grey.(张道真语)Although (he was) exhausted by the climb, he continued his journey.(夸克语法)

2024-02-24 20:43 回答问题


2024-02-24 20:32 回答问题

其实这里的 which 不是指人,而是指人的某种“属性”(具体地说,这种属性包括人的品质、性格、地位等),此时只能用 which,不能用 who。又如:He is a fool, which you are not. 他傻,你不傻。He is a cadre, which his sister is not. 他是个干部,他的妹妹就不是了。She looks like a Russian, which you are not. 她看上去像个俄国人,而你不像。She thought him a rather annoying child, which he was not. 她认为他是一个相当讨厌的孩子,他并非如此。She was dressed like an actress, which she was not. 她打扮得像个演员,其实她不是。Diana is an experienced teacher which her boyfriend was not. 戴安娜是一位经验丰富的教师,而她的男朋友则缺乏经验。

2024-02-10 14:48 回答问题


2024-02-04 08:49 回答问题

句中的 spend 的逻辑宾语是其前的时间名词,所涉及的句子结构是 spend time+过去分词(作状语)。这样用的过去分词相当于形容词(可视前面省略了 being)。又如:We spent the entire journey asleep. 我们整个旅程都在睡觉。He spent every evening glued to the TV. 他每天晚上都泡电视。They spent two hours stuck in gridlock. 他们在路上堵了两个小时。

2024-01-26 19:07 回答问题


2024-01-24 20:39 回答问题

用 more interesting 和 more interestingly 都可以。如:Europe’s economies have converged in several areas. More interestingly, there has been convergence in economic growth rates. 欧洲的经济已在多个领域互相趋同;更有意思的是,各国经济增长率也渐趋一致。(柯林斯高阶)More interesting, to my eyes, are his landscape paintings. 在我看来,他的风景画更有趣。(朗文高阶)类似的还有more important 和 more importantly。参见:https://www.cpsenglish.com/question/521