huck finn
huck finn - 语言学爱好者
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根据句中leading to / leaving表示“导致”、“使得”的语义,结合前后文的内在逻辑,倾向于看成结果状语,后面的情形是前面动作或事件所引发的结果。当然,这种区分也不是绝对的。个人意见,仅供参考。

回答于 2024-04-04 21:12

4 赞同


换一个思路,将more看成表语的中心词(分析词性的话,倾向于看作不定代词),70 pounds只是用来修饰more的程度状语,就像其他名词短语可以修饰比较级一样,例如three metres longer / two years older。个人见解,仅供参考。

回答于 2024-04-04 20:10

2 赞同

为啥高考阅读中出现 it 做关系代词的情况?

这并不是it做关系代词——也不存在it做关系代词的情况。这是省略关系词的定语从句,可以看作省略了“万金油”关系副词that,that≈by which。类比一下:I like the way (that / in which) you talk to me. (in which似乎不常用)An essay not submitted in class on the due date will lose a letter grade for each class peri...

回答于 2024-04-04 19:07

4 赞同


1. that I was submitting directly to publishers做同位语从句(传统语法)2. submit意思是“提交作品”。一般词典里这时的submit是及物动词。但是 submit directly to a publisher这种表达挺常见。而更能反映实际使用情况的wiktionary给出了不及物词性:(transitive, intransitive) To enter or put forward for approval,...

回答于 2024-03-08 15:08

25 赞同

otherwise 和 if not 的区别

1. 和网友一样,感觉应该使用if not;2. 英语原文是这样:Maybe you can call up Lily; she might be available, even though it's really short notice. If not, don't worry, I'll pay you for everything and we can make plans again." 由此可见,if not肯定是没问题。3. otherwise是否可以?与if not有什么区别?other...

回答于 2024-03-08 11:04

1 赞同


这个句子有些不成句子,意思也表达不清。本着语义为先的宗旨,这里把其改成一个语义清晰,语法合规的句子:It does not appear (that) we can meet. Sorry about that.看来我们见不了面了。很遗憾。稍微说明一下,appear“看起来”本身表达的是说话人的一种看法、感觉,再加上I think有些累赘之感,所以这里去掉了。如果要表...

回答于 2024-03-01 09:58

417 赞同



回答于 2024-02-10 13:14

2 赞同

请教this & that在这个英文句子中的用法

我先贴出英语原文,来自New Scientist:This would be kind of the opposite direction, taking the small isolated, you know, inbred population from the captive breeding program that still has red wolf genes that are so critical, and put them into a wild landscape with new genetic variation that they have...

回答于 2024-02-07 11:38

9 赞同


1. 名词短语作为片段单独成句,起到突出、强调的作用(就像聚光灯只聚集到一个人身上),也说明了全文的中心话题。这个名词短语其实和下一句关系紧密。with no strings attached表示“没有附加条件”。2. it指上一句的名词短语money with no strings attached。和上一句可以合并为Money with no strings attached is not some...

回答于 2024-02-04 10:25

18 赞同


这道选择题可能答案不唯一。选择such的理由参见曹老师的讲解,不过这里的语境似乎不能排除选择it——it做形式主语,that引导主语从句。下面举几个例子:It’s human nature that parents should be frightfully fond of their children. (张道真,《现代英语用法词典》)It is just human nature that we want to be validate...

回答于 2024-01-31 14:21