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本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共130分,考试用时 100分钟。第I211页,第II1213页。











1. Dragon Boat Festival is held ______Qu Yuan, a well-known poet in ancient China.

A. in honor of      B. in search of      C. in the hope of  D. in the face of


3. When Lisa moved to a new city, she had a hard time______ to her new surroundings.

A. adding              B. adjusting           C. applying           D. attending

4. The British romantic poet William Wordsworth grew up in the Lake District, which was a great______ of inspiration for his poems.

A. discovery         B. form                   C. source              D. symbol

5. Recently, scientists have started a debate on______ the computers will “think” like human in half a century.

A. where               B. whether            C. whose               D. which

6. — Mike will announce his retirement from professional soccer next week.

—______ ! He’s only 25 and still very fit.

A. I don’t mind at all                           B. I couldn’t agree more

C. You will make it                             D. You can’t be serious

7.______ back to the 18th century, Peking Opera has over two hundred years of history.

A. Dating              B. Being dated      C. To date              D. To be dated

8. The hero’s touching story______ online has drawn thousands of “likes” and hundreds of comments from the public.

A. posting             B. to post               C. posted               D. to be posted


10. ______ our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who enjoy the same hobbies, even if they live on the other side of the world.

A. However           B. Whatever           C. Wherever         D. Whichever

11. We are determined that our teacher training programs should______ current developments in the field of education.

A. catch sight of    B. make room for   C. take pride in     D. keep pace with

12. ______ a small amount of money each month is widely recognized as a good habit for personal finance management.

A. Picking out       B. Putting aside     C. Giving away       D. Getting back

13.Some restaurants are happy to provide a free cake if you let them know in advance that you______ a group for a birthday party.

A. will be bringing  B. have brought   C. have been bringing     D. were bringing

14. Human impact on the animal kingdom, such as hunting and destruction of habitats,______ a reduction in the population of certain species in the past three decades.

A. has caused     B. have caused    C. was causing        D. were causing

15. Kenny still remembers the class discussion______ the teacher asked students to share what they wanted to be when they grew up.

A. why                  B. which                C. that                    D. where

答案:01—05 AXBCB  06—10 DACXB  11—15 DBAAD



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的ABCD四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

In my early thirties, I decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa at 5,895 meters above sea level.

After months of preparation, I started my great ___16___. At the base of the mountain, I met Mik, a local porter, who warmly ___17___ me. Mik’s job was to carry my equipment up the mountain, set up the tent (帐篷), and carry everything back down after reaching the ___18___. Mik stood about 1.6 meters tall. I was ___19___ with a pack nearly as tall as his whole body. Just imagine this little man with the huge equipment ___20___ on his head.

The first day of the climb was ___21___ the rain forest, across a slippery (滑的), muddy ground covered with tree roots and vines (藤蔓). Mik was carrying 30 kilos on his head! By that evening, we made it to 3,000 meters. The air was ___22___ and it was colder. When I arrived at the campsite for the night, my tent was already set up and ___23___ me.

Day two was much steeper (陡峭的) and rockier. I really had to ___24___ what I was doing. And I felt guilty for the tough ___25___. Mik had to work in Yet when I turned to Mik, he said with the biggest smile, “Polle, polle,” which means “___26___, take it easy” in his native language. I ___27___ back, my burden lighter somehow.

Over the next five days, the climb got ___28___ difficult. The temperatures could ___29___ from 21°C to below freezing in a few hours. At 5,700 meters, there’s only half the oxygen ___30___ in each breath compared to at sea level. That leaves many people with severe headache. Yet Mik remained ___31___. He always had a smile and a positive ___32___. It had an enormous impact on me, giving me the ___33___ to keep going.

Even today, when I find myself ___34___ with anything in life, I just think back to Mik and his smile.

A great attitude can bring joy to those around you, or even ___35___ strangers to the top of a mountain.

16. A. performance   B. business          C. presentation      D. adventure

17. A. questioned     B. congratulated   C. greeted              D. invited

18. A. base               B. peak                C. forest                  D. border

19. A. covered          B. equipped         C. occupied            D. treated

20. A. balanced        B. exposed          C. displayed            D. folded

21. A. outside           B. beside             C. through               D. over

22. A. thinner            B. softer              C. drier                    D. sweeter

23. A. looking after   B. pointing to       C. resting on           D. waiting for

24. A. focus on         B. comment on    C. inquire into         D. break into

25. A. locations        B. conditions        C. atmosphere       D. competition

26. A. stop               B. hurry                C. relax                   D. move

27. A. ran                 B. talked              C. smiled                D. rode

28. A. slightly           B. increasingly     C. automatically     D. equally

29. A. swing             B. circle               C. climb                  D. last

30. A. predictable     B. available         C. noticeable          D. affordable

31. A. ambitious       B. modest           C. thankful               D. cheerful

32. A. direction        B. advantage       C. attitude               D. relationship

33. A. impression    B. platform           C. opportunity         D. strength

34. A. cooperating   B. struggling        C. associating         D. communicating

35. A. persuade       B. introduce         C. motivate             D. recommend

答案:16—20 DCBBA  21—25 CADAB  26—30 CCBAB  31—35  DCDBC






All students may apply to work on campus.

Getting started

Before starting any position, all students need to complete required taforms and show identification. International students also need:

*Social Security card 

*Bank  account

*Valid passport

*Official work permit

*Letter of support from the office of International Student Life

Looking for a job on Handshake

Handshake is an online job search platform for college students. With a Handshake account, students can receive information about career events and personalized job recommendations. To use Handshake, just follow these steps:

*Log in to Handshake using your email address already provided by the college.

*Complete personalization of your profile.

*Start your job search by clicking “Jobs” button.

*Fill out desired information: location, job type, etc.

*Apply directly by clicking “Apply Now” button.

You can also make appointments to meet with a career coach, access career resources, and explore careers that interest you. On-campus jobs available for students

*Academic department assistant (Flexible working hours on Monday/Thursday)

*Dining services (Lunchtime on weekdays)

*Library assistant (Flexible working hours on Monday/Wednesday/Friday)

*Bookstore/mailroom(9:00-12:00 at weekends)

*Athletic department (18:00-22:00 on weekdays)

Maximum working hours

*During the semester (学期), domestic students can work a maximum of 10 hours a week; international students can work a maximum of 20 hours a week.

*During the summer break, a student may not work more than 30 hours a week.

*The total number of hours may not exceed (超过) the maximum hours allowed even if a student has more than one job.

For more information, find us at Career Development Office, 211Hughes Hall; careerdevelopment@dreamcollege.edu, 555-520-1314

36.What documents are necessary for an international student to seek employment?

A. Passport and Insurance Certificate.

B. Work permit and Academic report.

C. Bank account and Letter of support.

D. Health Certificate and Social Security card.

37. Before searching for a job on Handshake, you need to______ .

A. consult a career coach

B. personalize your profile

C. attend job training

D. set up a new email account

38. Where could you work on Tuesday evenings?

A. In the athletic department.

B. In the dining hall.

C. In the library.

D. In the bookstore.

39. Which working arrangement is allowed for a domestic student?

A. 40 hours per week during the summer break.

B. 20 hours per week during the semester.

C. 2 jobs, each with 16 hours per week.

D. 3 jobs, each with 2 hours per week.

40. Where is the passage probably taken from?

A. A university website.

B. A course guide.

C. A summer camp notice.

D. A business magazine.

答案:36—40 CBADA 


One freezing morning last February, I walked through Ontario Place. Trees were frosted sculptures. Large chunks of ice floated in the lake. Then I saw a group of people in bathing suits bouncing up and down in the water. They held hands, shouting and yelling into the sky. They looked and sounded so free.

I’ve always found cold water thrilling. The shock of it is like pressing a switch. It seems to reset my body and soul.

And last winter, I definitely needed a reset. I woke up most mornings with a dull, grey feeling as I forced myself out of bed to start the day. I needed something to cheer myself up, but I didn’t know what, until that day.

The ice warriors (勇士) emerged from the lake, their skin steaming. Trembling, they were yet laughing and hugging each other. I called out:  “You guys are awesome!” One woman waved back, “Come and join us! We’ re here every Monday morning.”

The night before my first dip (游泳), I was excited and nervous. Cold water was one thing, but this icy lake was a whole other level. Should I back out? Eventually, I got up in the dark and drove to the meeting spot.

After some wild warm up, I charged into the lake along with others. We yelled into the sky. Teeth chattering heart rates slowing, fingers and toes going numb (麻木), we stayed there for somewhere between two and five minutes. Knowing it was my first time, people cheered me on. It felt amazing. I was stupid with cold, but I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so happy.

Now I go dipping almost every day, and I’ve come to long for that moment when the cold becomes a second skin and my internal voice goes silent. Apart from the thrill of those first heart-stopping dives, which, ironically, saved me from going under, what has drawn me is this community of generous, open-hearted souls.

We laughed together, often, but from the stories we’ve shared about ourselves, I know I’m not the only one who faces life’s challenges. Holding hands in the freezing lake, we looked out for each other last winter and will do so through this one.

It won’t fix everything in our lives—but for some reason, it helps. At the end of each session I return home feeling stronger, lighter, more able to carry on. As another winter sets in, I’m more than ready to embrace the cold again.

41.When the author saw the people in the lake, her feeling can be best described as______ .

A. nervous B. amazed

C. frightened D. calm

42. Why did the author think of joining the swimmers?

A. To expand her social circle. B. To lift her spirits again.

C. To adapt to the cold weather. D. To prepare for a new career

43. What can be learnt about the author’s first dipping?

A. She hesitated a bit before going.

B. She suffered from a heart problem.

C. She stayed in cold water too long.

D. She regretted not doing enough warm up.

44. What change has cold water swimming brought about in the author?

A. She is more intelligent.

B. She gets more competitive.

C. She becomes a better storyteller.

D. She regains her inner peace.

45. What message does the author most likely want to convey?

A. Severe cold builds up character

B. Group wisdom brightens our life.

C. Tackling the odds together cures.

D. Doing sports promotes friendship.

答案:41—45 BBADC


I love making art and looking at artworks. I’ve found myself wondering how we gain pleasure from art. And now neuroaesthetics, a combination of neuroscience (神经科学) and aesthetics (美学), may provide an answer.

Neuroaesthetics is a relatively young field of research on what happens in the brain when we make aesthetic assessments. Researchers use brain imaging technique to see which brain areas light up when we view paintings that we consider beautiful. Similar research has been done to understand the “neuronal fireworks” that occur when we look at inspiring sculptures, attractive faces, impressive dance, etc.

But why do we find some art beautiful and other art ugly? According to research, it all comes down to the “aesthetic triad (三元组合)”.

The first part of the triad is sensory-motor. This involves perceiving things like colours, shapes and movements. Movement in art has an interesting role. If you see a painting of a movement, like of a man pulling his arm away after being bitten by a dog, you feel like going through a similar experience. The part of your brain that controls your own movements lights up in response.

Second is emotion-valuation. This is how a piece of art makes you feel, and whether or not you appreciate or enjoy that feeling. The part of the brain related to pleasure is activated in response to something we find beautiful. This system can be affected in fascinating ways, as found by research using transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS) (经颅磁刺激). If TMS is applied to a specific part of your brain behind your forehead that is particularly important for decision-making, you suddenly like different kinds of art. Such stimulation produces significant changes in aesthetic appreciation of faces, bodies and artworks.

The third part is meaning-knowledge. This is to do with how we can connect with a piece of art and what meaning we can create in it. Art is deeply personal, because when two people see the same artwork, our perception can create vastly different experiences of meaning. If we find meaning, then we often find pleasure. We also get enjoyment from the knowledge of how something was made. For the images that an artist creates, viewers will probably get far more enjoyment once they know the process used to create them.

Informed by neuroaesthetics, the next time I create my art I will value the process even more, enjoying the activation of the aesthetic triad in my brain as I admire the vivid images that I have created.

46. What does “neuronal fireworks” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. A beautiful painting or sculpture.

B. The lighting-up of specific brain areas.

C. An advanced brain imaging technology.

D. The aesthetic assessment of modern art.

47. What effect does movement in art produce on the viewers?

A. Certain part of their brain is activated.

B. Their experience of pain is reduced.

C. Their aesthetic sense is sharpened.

D. Their body reactions are delayed.

48. The application of TMS to the brain described in Paragraph 5 leads to______ .

A. raised memory capacity

B. enhanced painting skills

C. changed artistic taste

D. improved decision-making ability

49. According to the author, what increases our enjoyment of a piece of art?

A. Knowing how it is created.

B. Having a pleasant personality.

C. Learning how science develops.

D. Understanding the meaning of life.

50. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To propose an abstract theory of art making.

B. To reveal the beauty of science in an artistic way.

C. To share some personal understanding of artworks.

D. To introduce a new research field for art appreciation.

答案:46—50 BACAD


Most people with good sense would accept that we can and should learn from accidental failures. It would be impossible to progress in anything, after all, without taking the occasional misstep. And by understanding how we slipped, we can avoid falling in the future.

Few would advocate making intentional mistakes, however. Yet consciously erring (犯错) can promote deeper understanding and better recall. The phenomenon is known as the derring effect—coming from “deliberate (故意的) erring”—and when applied properly, it may bring benefits in many unexpected areas of life.

In one experiment carried out at the National University of Singapore, participants were given the task of learning concepts on a difficult subject. For some terms, they simply copied out the correct definition; for others, they were asked to first add an error in their description of the term before correcting the mistake.

Naturally, you would expect the addition of the errors to have increased unwanted confusion. Yet the exact opposite was true: the participants who made deliberate errors learned about twice as much as the people who simply copied out the correct definitions.

The derring effect could be applied in other situations. So a music teacher may find the addition of deliberate errors could help a student remember the right musical notes. Such a playful approach could fuel their creativity for composition, if the student looks for ways to develop those wrong notes into something more attractive. It is encouraging to discover that by readily accepting our errors and wisely placing ourselves in the way of being wrong, we can in fact overcome weaknesses and rise stronger.

The derring effect could be useful for many other challenges too. If you enjoy cooking, for example, you may faithfully follow a recipe without questioning the instructions. But why not try to break away from those habits and deliberately do the “wrong” thing for a change, and see where your derring takes you? If you are painting, meanwhile, you could relax one of the constraints (限制) that you usually put on your work and see what you produce.

At worst, you will have refreshed and deepened your knowledge of the rules you normally apply, so that you can be even more effective next time. At best, you may just find that you have discovered something completely new and unexpected, through a flash of inspiration that you would have missed with perfectionism. Either way, your apparent missteps will have moved you a little closer to true mastery.

51. In Paragraph 1, the author presents______ .

A. a routine warning

B. a popular misbelief

C. a commonly-held view

D. a theoretical assumption

52. What can be learnt about the experiment?

A. Adding intentional errors facilitates learning.

B. Correcting mistakes is the key to learning.

C. Errors contribute to confusion in learning.

D. Learners make fewer errors in difficult subjects.

53. According to the author using the approach mentioned in Paragraph 5 may result in ______ .

A. disappointing performances

B. greater creative power

C. the discovery of problems

D. the admission of weaknesses

54. Which of the following would the author encourage you to do?

A. Strictly follow traditional recipes when cooking.

B. Avoid making mistakes and be a perfectionist.

C. Occasionally ignore traffic regulations.

D. Try unconventional coloring in painting.

55. What could be the best title for the passage?

A. The Challenge of Derring

B. Erring Prevents Failure

C. To Err is Fruitful

D. Errors: Accidental or Intentional

答案:51—55 CABDA






Growing up in San Francisco, Grace Young used to watch her father shop daily in Chinatown for whatever he needed to make traditional Chinese meals at home. As an award-winning cookbook author, Ms. Young, now 66, has spent decades shopping the same way in New York’s Chinatown.

Ms. Young developed a passion for cooking at an early age. At 13, she started to sit in on cooking classes. After college, Ms. Young moved to New York and worked in a book-packaging company. In her 30s, she realized that while she had helped create more than 40 cookbooks, she didn’t know how to make the dishes that tasted of home. “I knew if I recorded all of my parents’ recipes, it would be a great gift that I could give my family and the next generation.” she says.

Yet what began as a recipe book became a kind ofmemoir. Talking about food encouraged her parents to finally open up about their past, like the fact that her father had owned a Chinatown restaurant in the 1940s. “It was really an amazing way to learn not only my family’s recipes, but also my family’s story. “she says. The Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchen (1999) launched Ms. Young’s work in preserving and sustaining Chinese culinary (烹饪的)traditions.

Ms. Young has also devoted herself to supporting the restaurants in Chinatown. Since early 2020, Ms. Young has raised money to buy meals from Chinatown restaurants and deliver them to those in need. This year, instead of cooking at home for her husband and friends, she celebrated the Chinese New Year with various dishes from local restaurants in Chinatown. “If these restaurants don’t survive, Chinese culinary traditions in our city won’t survive.” she says.

54.What is Ms. Young known as?(no more than 5 words)


55.Why did Ms. Young want to record her parents’ recipes?(no more than 15 words)


56.What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph 3?(no more than 2 words)


57.What has Ms. Young done to help Chinatown restaurants? Please give an example. (no more than 15 words)


58.How does Ms. Young inspire you in her efforts to preserve Chinese Culinary traditions? Please explain in your own words. (no more than 20 words)




56. An award-winning cookbook author.

57. To give her family and the next generation a great gift.

58. Personal experiences.

59. Raised money to buy meals from Chinatown restaurants and delivered them to those in need.

60. Her work inspires me to learn more about Chinese cooking and to share it with others.



假设你是晨光中学学生李津。你的英国朋友 Chris热爱学习汉语,上周他在邮件中向你询问活雷锋这一表达是什么意思。请根据以下提示回复邮件:




参考词汇:活雷锋 a living Lei Feng





Dear Chris,

Happy to hear from you.


Sincerely yours,

Li Jin



Dear Chris,

Happy to hear from you. I’m glad that you’re interested in the expression “活雷锋”. In Chinese, “活雷锋” means a person who is kind, helpful, and selfless, just like the legendary hero Lei Feng. This expression is used to describe someone who is always ready to lend a helping hand to others without expecting anything in return.

To give you an example, let me introduce you to Zhang Jian, a student from our school. Zhang Jian is known as the “living Lei Feng” among his classmates and teachers. He is always the first one to offer help when someone is in need. Whether it’s helping a classmate with their studies, assisting a teacher with classroom duties, or volunteering for community services, Zhang Jian is always there to lend a hand.

I encourage you to continue your study of Chinese language. I wish you all the best in your studies and hope to hear more from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Li Jin


  • 发表于 2024-02-05 21:47
  • 阅读 ( 4129 )
  • 分类:高考英语



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