5 full, busy(忙)有区别吗


full, busy 表示“忙”,有区别吗?

如:Are you full these days 这些天你忙吗?

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最佳答案 2022-10-12 12:10

表示“忙的”,通常用 busy,虽然也可以用 full,但那不是常用词,尤其在英语学习的初级阶段,你用 full 来表示“忙”,有可能被判为错误。

busy 表示“忙”属于常用词,笼统地表示有很多事要做,没有空余时间,可以作表语或定语。(例句略)

full 表示“忙”,强调有很多活动(involving a lot of activities),指时间或生活安排得很“满”(full),通常用于名词前定语,但有时也用作表语,只是比较少见。如:

I’ ve had a full day at the office. 我在办公室忙了一整天。

She lived a very full and satisfying life. 她过着非常充实和满足的生活。

Her life was too full to find time for hobbies. 她的生活太忙,没有业余爱好的时间。

要表示“这些天你忙吗?”,应该翻译成:Are you busy these days?

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

1full  adj.忙的;有很多活动的 (英文解释:involving a lot of activities)

He'd had a very full life .他度过了一个经历丰富的人生。

His life was too full to find time for hobbies.他的生活太忙,没有业余爱好的时间。

The doctor has a very full day before him.医生的日程安排得满满的。

2busy  adj.忙碌的;无暇的(英文解释: having a lot to do; perhaps not free to do sth else because you are working on sth or you are working hard or concentrating on a task, so that you are not free to do anything else.)

Are you busy tonight?你今晚忙吗?

Kate's busy with her homework.凯特正忙着做家庭作业。

I'm afraid the doctor is busy at the moment. Can he call you back?


I'll be too busy to come to the meeting.我会很忙,不能到会。

The principal is a very busy woman.校长是个大忙人。

She was always too busy to listen.她总是很忙,无暇听我说话。

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  • shaoruyi1234   提出于 2022-10-11 21:56