2 不定式完成被动语态与过去分词的区别(向刘永科老师请教)


his machine is the first of its kind to have been used here.这里使用的这类机器中,这是第一台。

The meeting held yesterday is of great importance.昨天召开的会议很重要。

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最佳答案 2021-12-02 09:51

His machine is the first of its kind to have been used here. 这里使用的这类机器中,这是第一台。

The meeting held yesterday is of great importance. 昨天召开的会议很重要。


通常而言,不定式的一般体,不管是主动形式还是被动形式(to do; to be done),也不管它在句中起什么语法作用(主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、宾补等),往往表示将来意义。即与说话的语境比较而言,不定式通常表示将来的行为动作。这是理解不定式的大前提。


The next thing to do is to visit the exhibition.

The meeting to be held is of great importance.

I have an e-mail to send.

There is a lot of work to be done.


1. 但是,在有些语境中,尤其谓语动词是系动词,表示下定义或确认表语的时候,不定式作定语,时间性不明确。例如:

He is the only person to know the truth. 他是唯一了解真相的人。

Is that the best way to solve the problem? 那是解决这个问题的最好办法吗?

2. 如果表语含有序数词的时候,如“第一人;第一批,第一个”,在说话人的心目中,暗示不定式的动作已经发生,此时用不定式一般体作定语表示完成。例如:

He was the first person to win the award.


He was the first person to have won the award.


His machine is the first of its kind to be used here. =

His machine is the first of its kind to have been used here.

3. 是不是含有序数的名词,不定式作定语时一定表示完成呢?非也!我们说,英语是逻辑语言,它要受到语境上下文的影响。它完全可以表示将来意义。例如:

He wants to be the first person to beat the computer.

The player will be the first to break the record in the event.


4. 关于“过去分词”作定语的问题。“过去分词”的基本特征是“被动和完成”——这说明:“完成概念”是过去分词的基本特征,但并不是所有句子、所有语境,过去分词都要表示完成。它同样受到语境的制约,就不举例一一说明了。现在回到网友的问题:

The meeting held yesterday is of great importance.


我曾经试图寻找各种理由去解释这个问题,但都显得苍白无力。其实,这个问题需要用最简单的方法去解决,即用“过去分词的基本特征”去解释就完全可以了。“过去分词”表示“被动和完成”——完全符合句子的含义:会议被召开 + 召开动作已完成。啰嗦是语言的大忌,我们为何不去使用最简练的表达方式,而去使用语言最忌讳的方式去表达呢?

The meeting having been held yesterday is of great importance. (误)

The meeting to have been held yesterday is of great importance. (误)



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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师


单个过去分词 或者过去分词短语作后置定语修饰名词可以理解为被动语态的定语从句省略了主语+助动词be” 并只保留过去分词和其它部分。

The meeting (that was省略了)held yesterday is of great importance.昨天召开的会议很重要。


备注(2)还原为被动语态的定语从句作后置定语修饰前面名词“the meeting”就是下面的句子。

The meeting that was held yesterday is of great importance.

备注(3):现在分词完成体(包括主动having done或者被动having been done),在句中只作“状语成分” 不作“定语成分”,但是不定式的完成体(包括主动to have done或者被动to have been done),在句中可以作主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语和补语(主补和宾补)。


To have made the same mistake twice was unforgivable两次犯同样的错误是不可原谅的。

To have told my secret would have given me away. 要是讲出了我的秘密就是把我自己出卖了。

It’s nice to have finished work. 工作干完了,真惬意。


He pretended to have read the book. 他假装曾经读过那本书。

I hate to have quarreled with her. 我后悔和她吵架了

They claimed to have shot down 22 planes. 他们声称打下了22架飞机。


He seems to have been hurt. 他似乎受伤了。

The house was to have been ready today. 这座房子本应该今天竣工。

I was to have seen him last Wednesday but he did not come. 我本来打算在上星期三和他见面的但是他没有来。


There is no need to have bought a new pair of shoes for me. 没有必要给我买一双新鞋。

She’s the only woman ever to have climbed Everest in winter她是唯一在冬天爬过埃佛勒斯峰的妇女。


You’re far too clever to have done that. 你太聪明了不会这样做。

He was too young to have learned to say no to a woman. 他太年轻了,还没学会向女人说不。


I believed her to have done this on purpose. 我相信她是故意这样做的。

I consider him to have acted disgracefully. 我认为他的行为不光彩。

They supposed man to have descended from animals. 他们认为人是动物演变来的。


He was known to have taken money from the Germans据传他拿过德国人的钱。

They are believed to have landed in America. 人们相信他们在美洲上了岸。

He is reported to have been chosen chairman of the trade union. 据说他当选了工会主席。



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  • shaoruyi1234   提出于 2021-12-01 19:33