I hope与I am hoping的区别是什么


I hope you can do me a favor.

I am hoping you can do me a favor.

I hope it wont rain tomorrow.

I am hoping it wont rain tomaorrow.

The scientists hope to solve the problem finally.

The scientists are hoping to solve the problem finally.

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最佳答案 2017-05-11 01:05

▲在通常情况下,静态动词不用于进行态,但 hope 是个例外:

其实,在口语中,hope 经常用于进行时态,尤其是所谈论的事物正是你所依赖或亟需的东西时。比如《朗文》就在hope词条将 I’m hoping 用粗体字作为惯用搭配列出,其解释是 [spoken] used to say that you hope something will happen, especially because you are depending on it。

I’m hoping the car will be fixed by Friday. 我非常希望能在星期五之前修好汽车。


事实上,在口语中,hope 用于现在进行时与一般现在时没有什么区别。下面一些一些辞书的相关说明:


……在动词不定式前面,hope 常常可以使用一般式和进行式,意思上没有多少差别。如:

We hope / We’re hoping to get toScotlandnext weekend. 我们希望下个周末去苏格兰。

……that 分句前面常常可以用 hope 的一般式和进行式,意思上没有多少差别。如:

We hope / We’re hoping you can come and stay with us soon. 我们希望你很快能来和我们一起住。


We all hope (that) things will be better soon. = We're all hoping (that) things will be better soon. 我们都希望情况很快就好转。

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陈才   - 英语教师


I hope you can do me a favor.(表示一种常态,我希望你能帮我忙)

I am hoping you can do me a favor.(表示非常态,即一种短期心理活动变化,我十分希望你能帮我一个忙,属于急切做某事心态)

I hope it wont rain tomorrow.(常态)我希望明天不下雨

I am hoping it wont rain tomaorrow.(非常态:表示短期/短暂心理活动变化)我非常希望明天不会下雨

The scientists hope to solve the problem finally.(常态)(科学家们希望最后能解决这个问题)

The scientists are hoping to solve the problem finally.(非常态,表示短期心理变化很希望最后能解决这个问题。属于静态动词含义转化动态含义用法)


(2)hope所接的that从句中的谓语多由will+ v. 构成, that可省略。在对话中常可用so或not代替前面句子中肯定式或否定式的宾语(动词不定式或that从句)。

(3)hope作“希望”解,本身即指将来,所以在hope的宾语从句中常可用一般现在时表示将来时间,一般不与be going to连用。

(4)hope是静态动词,一般不用于进行体。如用于进行体,则强调当时的思想情况,或是表达一种强烈的愿望,除具有“短暂性”外,语气也较为婉转。其过去进行体was hoping出现在句中有时并不表示过去的时间,而可能指现在的时间,这种用法比其现在进行体语气更加委婉.


动词按其词汇意义可分为动态动词(Dynamic Verb)和静态动词(Static Verb)。


A:表示持续动作的动词:drink,eat,read,write,walk,run,play,talk,fly,watch 等。     

B:表示短暂动作的动词: leave,go,come,see,arise,break,open,    meet,close,join,jump,admit,discover等 。

C:表示位移或状态改变的动词: become,turn,grow,change,come, go等。   

He is writing a letter to his friend.


He closed the windows.


The leaves on the tress are turning green.


He changed his mind.



A:表示各种关系的动词:contain,belong,consist of,have,concern,owe,involve,resemble,differ,exist,hold,cost,fit,lack,matter,compare,deserve,measure,weigh等。

B:表示感觉感知的动词: feel,see,taste,smell,hear等。

C:表示心理状态的动词: think,believe,know,consider,hope,want,mean,forget,remember,expect,understand,leave,hate,regret,envy,admire,suppose,fear,care等。

 The hall can contain 1,000 people.


 The report consists of five parts.


 The camera cost ¥200.


 The little girl saw a black dog beside the door.


 He hates being pushed around.



英语中的动态动作和静态状态可以表现在动词中,从语义角度讲,动词可以分为动态和静态。本文着重就动态动词(dynamic verbs)和静态动词(stative verbs)的语义和句法特征做进一步的分析。

一、 动词(dynamic verbs)和静态动词(stative verbs)的概念及分类。


1. 动态动词(dynamic verbs):表示运动状态的动词。这类动词分为五种:

(1) 活动动词(activity verbs)

(2) 过程动词(process verbs)

(3) 感觉动词(verbs of bodily sensation)

(4) 过渡性动词(transitional verbs)

(5) 瞬间动词(momentary verbs)

2. 静态动词(stative verbs): 表示相对静止状态的动词。这类动词分为三种:

(1) 感觉动词(verbs of perception)

(2) 认识动词(verbs of cogition)

(3) 关系动词(relation verbs)

一、 动态动词(dynamic verbs)

1. 活动动词(activity verbs): 这类动词表示动作的发出者的有意识的,主动的行为。

这类动词有: ask, write, listen, play,run, keep,work  etc.

One of the students asked me a question.

The girl writes to her mother once a week.

2. 过程动词(process verbs): 这类动词表示“过程”含有逐渐过渡的语义,通常情况下,表示动作转化为状态。

这类动词有: change, grow, get, widen, become, mature, deteriorate etc.

The village has changed a great deal since we last visited it.

It is growing cold.

3. 感觉动词(verbs of bodily sensation): 这类动词表示客观事物的个别特征在人体中引起的反映。

这类动词有: ache, feel, hurt, itch etc.

My back was hurting.

Are your mosquito bites still itching?

4. 过渡性动词(transational verbs):这类动词表示动作由一个阶段逐渐发展而转入另一种状态。

这类动词有: arrive, die, fall, land, leave, lose etc.

The train arrived at the station.

Tom’s grandfather died five years ago.


        The train was arriving. (火车快到站了.)

        Tom’s grandfather was dying. (汤姆的祖父快要去世.)

5. 瞬间动词(momentary verbs)



The boss hit the boy on the head.

The teacher tapped the child on the shoulder.

值得语言学者重视的是: 瞬间动词一旦用于进行体,常表示重复性动作。

The boss was hitting the boy on the head. (连续打击)

The teacher was tapping the child on the shoulder. (连续拍打)

其中begin 虽为瞬间动词,但用于进行体中,并不表示重复,而是表示“刚刚开始”:

You are beginning to wonder whether the plan can be practicable.

通过对上述动态动词(dynamtic verbs) 的语义特征进行的分析, 可以概括为以下几点用法:

1) 动态动词可以用于祈使句。

Stop talking.

Please open the door.

2) 动态动词可以用于进行体。

The students are reading the text.

The weather is changing for the better.

3) 动态动词可以用于复合宾语中。

I told him to go to the clinic.

She asked the student write the composition.

4)动态动词可以用于带有do 代词形势得假拟分裂句。

What I did was to make notes.

What I did was to leav.

二、 静态动词(stative verbs)

1. 感觉动词(verbs of perception):感觉动词用来表示主体的思维和五官活动的动词。这类动词有:see, hear, smell, sound, taste, etc.

We can smell something burning.

Can you taste onion in the soup?

2. 认识动词(verbs of cognition):认识动词用来表示各种思想感情及心理状态。


His words astonished all.

I didn’t recognized her.

3. 关系动词(relational verbs):关系动词用来表示主体和其他事物之间的静止关系或状态。这类动词有:apply to,be,belong to,concern,resemble,consist of,contain,cost,depend on,deserve,fit,have,remain,seem,need,own,etc.

The rules apply to all undertakings.

Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

通过对上述静态动词(stative verbs)的语义分析,可以概括为以下几点:

1) 静态动词不能用于祈使句。 不能说:

Hear, someone is knocking at the door.

Know him, please.

2) 静态动词一般不以进行体形式出现。不能说:

I am knowing that Jack went there.

Our class is consisting of 20 students.

3) 静态动词不能用于复合宾语(complex objects)中。不能说:

I ask him to smell something unpleasant.

I advised him remember it.

4) 静态动词不能用于带有do 代词形式的假拟分裂句。不能说:

What I did was to feel pain on my head.

What she did was to dislike the novel.

三、 动态动词(dynamic verbs)和静态动词(stative verbs)的其他用法。



I can smell gas, it smalls awful. (汽油味是无意识闻到的,闻起来很难闻。)

I can hear someone singing. (唱歌是无意识听到的。)


Don’t be late.(be 在这里不是“是”的意思,而是与表语late一起构成迟到的行为。)

Know the answer.(know 在此处不是“知道”的意思,而是“弄清”。)


1) 表示某一具体时间内的暂时心理活动:

She is being clever. (暂时性)

His father trusted him. (经常性)

His father is trusting him. (当时的情况)

2) 表示动作的主体主动地有意识地进行某一动作:

I’m feeling this desk.(主动性)

I’m tasting those wines for nearly an hour.(主动性)

3) 表示某种心理,情感的行为反复发生,并且含有感情色彩:

What are you wanting this time?


She is continually distrusting her judgement.(意味着反复发生的行为却不相信自己。)

4) 词汇意义有所变化,这时候它们在不同的场景下,可以用不同的其它动词来代替:

She is hearing the lectures at the university.( hearing = listening to)

Tome is seeing the sights. (seeing = visiting)

5) 表示某种认识,感觉的获得有一个持续的过程:

We are finding this problem is more complicated tha we expected.(缓慢的一个过程)

They are realizing (at last) that they must give up smokinfg.(逐渐的过程)

6) 表示“开始”的含义:

I’m forhetting the German language.(forgetting = beginning to forget)

He is understanding this better.(understanding = beginning to understand)

7) 表示婉转,客气的语气:

I’m hoping you will come and play.


I’m wondering if you have any good ideas.



Dynamic Verb and Static Verb



1)John is writing to his father.


2)John resembles his father.


John is resembling his father.(Impossible)

3)John is painting his house.


4)John owns a house.


John is owning a house.(Impossible)


5)a.John is holding a ball in his hands.

b.John has a ball in his hands.


6)a.The bus holds 50 people.

b.50 people can sit in the bus.



7)a.I was having my coffee quietly.

b.I was drinking my coffee quietly.


8)a.The man has a new car.

b.The man owns a new car.

c.The man possesses a new car.


动词consider后跟名词作宾语,当“考虑”讲,为动态性动词。后跟that从句作宾语,当“认为”讲,为静态性动词。 例如:

9)a.We shall consider your application.

b.We shall take your application into consideration.

c.We shall think over your application.


10)a.I consider(that)you acted very wisely.

b.I think(that)you acted very wisely.

c.To my mind,you acted very wisely.


在动词词组apply to中,如果apply当及物动词用,则是动态性动词,意为“应用”。如是不及动物词,则是静态性动词,意为“适用于”。例如:

11)a.They are applying the new theory to practice.

b.They are putting the new theory into practice.


12)a.What I have said doesn't apply to you.

b.What I have said doesn't concern you.



13)a.He is looking at the picture on the wall.

b.He is taking a look at the picture on the wall.


14)a.He looks like his father.

b.He resembles his father.



15)a.I wonder if I could ask you a question.

b.I'm wondering if I could ask you a question.


16)a.I hope to leave as soon as possible.

b.I'm hoping to leave as soon as possible.



17)My grandfather is forgetting names nowadays.


18)These old people are all remembering the days of their childhood.


19)The old man is surely imagining things.


Dynamic Verb and Static Verb

(2)动态性动词大多可用于祈使句(Imperative Sentence),静态性动词则不可。例如:

20)Keep the house clean and tidy!


21)Own the house!(Impossible)

22)Do as your father does.


23)Resemble your father.(Impossible)


24)a.Have some tea!

       b.Drink some tea!



25)a.Smell this meat.Does it smell bad?

       b.Take/Have a smell at this meat.Does it give/have a bad smell?



26)a.Hold the handle very firmly.

       b.Grasp the handle!very firmly.


27)a.Hold your head up!

       b.Keep your head up!


28)a.Plato held(the view)that the soul is immortal.

       b.Plato believed/thought that the soul is immortal.


(3)动态性动词可用于内嵌句(Embeded Sentence)中,即充当Vsb.+to do sth.结构中的复合宾语(Complex Object)部分的to do;而静态性动词不可。例如:

29)a.I told him to abandon his attempt.

       b.He was told to abandon his attempt.


30)a.I told him not to hit a man when he was down.

       b.He was told not to hit a man when he was down.


31)I told him to act as an interpreter.


32)I told him to look like an interpreter.


33)I told him to keep the house.


34)I told him to possess the house.


(4)动态性动词可用于带有do代词形式的假拟分裂句(Pseudocleft Sentence with Do Pro-form)中;静态性动词则不可。例如:

35)What I did was(to)solve the problem.


36)What I did was to know the problem.




(1)活动型动词(Activity Verb)

(2)过程型动词(Process Verb)

(3)感觉痛苦型动词(Sense Suffer Verb)

(4)过渡型动词(Transitional Verb)

(5)瞬时型动词(Momentary Verb)


37)a.Mary was asking John a question.


b.Mary was asking John questions.


38)a.A car was passing through.


b.Many cars were passing through.


39)a.Dick is writing a word on the black-board.


b.Dick is writing a letter to his father.


c.Dick is writing a novel about the suffer-ings of an old woman.



英语动词大部分是活动型动词,表明人或物的活动、动作或行为。其主语大多数是有生命的(animate)。ask,call,drink,eat,help,laugh,learn,listen to,look at,play,read,say,smile,walk,work,write等都属于这个类型,例如:

40)a.They were walking around the lake.

b.They were taking a walk around the lake.


41)a.They were eating supper.

b.They were taking supper.

c.They were having supper.


42)a.They were talking about their work.

b.They were having a talk about their work.



43)a.It is raining heavily.

b.Rain is falling heavily.


44)a.It is blowing hard.

b.The wind is blowing hard.


姿势型动词(Posture Verb),如sitstandlieleansquatkneel等,也属于这一类型例如:

45)They were sitting around the table and listening to the radio.


46)The teacher was standing in front of her pupils.


47)The boy was lying in bed,reading a novel.




48)a.The leaves are changing from green to brown.

b.The leaves are turning brown.


49)a.They are changing the appearance of the museum.

b.The appearance of the museum is being changed.

c.The appearance of the museum is changing.

d.The museum is changing its appearance.

e.The museum is changing in appearance.


50)a.The ship was altering course.

b.The ship was changing course.


51)a.My hair is turning grey.

b.My hair is greying.


52)a.These apples are maturing fast.

b.These apples are becoming mature fast.

c.These apples are ripening fast.

d.These apples are becoming ripe fast.


53)a.An interest in stamps is developing in the boy.

b.The boy is developing an interest in stamps.

c.The boy is becoming more interested in stamps.

d.Stamps are becoming more interesting to the boy.


54)a.Shanghai is developing into one of the greatest cities in the world.

b.Shanghai is turning into one of the greatest cities in the world.


55)a.He is growing to be a big boy.

b.He is growing into a big boy.


56)a.He was aging fast/quickly.

b.He was becoming/growing old fast/quickly.


57)a.His health is improving.

b.He is improving in health.


58)a.The population of the city is increasing.

b.There is an increase in population in the city.


59)a.Our difficulties are increasing.

b.We are meeting with more difficulties.


60)a.His weight is increasing.

b.He is putting on weight.

c.He is gaining weight.


61)a.The driver was increasing the speed of his car.

b.The driver was accelerating his car.

c.The driver was speeding up his car.


62)a.His health is declining.

b.He is getting weaker.


63)a.The king's power is declining.

b.The king is becoming less powerful.


64)a.The politician's influence was declining.

b.The politician was becoming less influential.





感觉能力型动词表示人的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和感觉能力,即“能看到”、“能听到”、“能闻到”、“能尝出”和“能感到”的意思;也表示人感受外界事物刺激的状态,即“看到”、“听到”、“闻到”、“尝出”和“感到”的意思。这种动词表示的是一种“内在感觉”(inner perception)。表示视觉的动词主要是see,find,notice等;表示听觉的动词是hear;表示嗅觉的动词是smell;表示味觉的动词是taste;表示感觉的动词是feel。下面分别叙述这类动词的特点:

(1)这类动词既表示感觉能力,又表示感觉状态,而两者意思往往是相同的,因此可以用can see/see和could see/saw等表达,例如:

1)a.Can you see the house over there?

b.Do you see the house over there?


2)a.I can see the sea from my bedroom window.

b.I see the sea from my bedroom window.(我从卧室的窗户可以看见大海。)

3)a.When you get to the end of the street,you can see a supermarket.

b.When you get to the end of the street,you'll see a supermarket.


4)a.I could see someone through the window.

b.I saw someone through the window.(我从窗户看见有一个人。)

5)a.I could hear a knocking at the door. b.I heard a knocking at the door.


6)a.He spoke so loudly that even those who sat at the back could hear him clearly.

b.He spoke so loudly that even those who sat at the back heard him clearly.


7)a.Can you smell something unusual?

b.Do you smell something unusual?


8)a.Can you taste anything strange in this soup?

b.Do you taste anything strange in this soup?


9)a.I could feel my heart beating wildly.

b.I felt my heart beating wildly.



10)a.I can see a tree in front of the house.

b.I see a tree in front of the house.

c.I am seeing a tree in front of the house.(Impossible)


11)a.I could hear someone laughing.

b.I heard someone laughing.

c.I was hearing someone laughing.(Impossible)


12)a.I could smell onions cooking.

b.I smelt onions cooking.

c.I was smelling onions cooking.(Impossible)


13)a.I could taste sugar in the coffee.

b.I tasted sugar in the coffee.

c.I was tasting sugar in the coffee.(Impossible)


14)a.I could feel something soft under my foot.

b.I felt something soft under my foot.

c.I was feeling something soft under my foot.(Impossible)


15)a.I find the bed quite comfortable.

b.I am finding the bed quite comfortable.(Impossible)


16)a.Did you notice her hands shaking?

b.Were you noticing her hands shaking?(Impossible)



17)a.You/One can(still)see the scar on his chin.

b.The scar can(still) be seen on his chin.

c.The scar is(still) visible on his chin.

d.The scar(still) shows on his chin.

e.His chin(still) shows/bears the scar.(你可以看到他的下巴有个伤疤。)

18)a.You/One can see the fracture quite clearly on the X ray.

b.The fracture can be/is quite clearly seen on the X ray.

c.The fracture is quite visible on the X ray.

d.The fracture shows/is shown quite clearly on the X ray.

e.The X ray shows the fracture quite clearly.


19)a.Make sure other motorists can see you.

b.Make sure you are visible to other motorists.


20)a.These sounds could be heard clearly.

b.These sounds were clearly audible.


 21)a.The aircraft got smaller and smaller in the distance until it could no longer be seen by the people on the ground.
 b.The aircraft got smaller and smaller in the distance until it was no longer visible to the people on the ground.
 c.The aircraft got smaller and smaller in the distance until it became invisible to the people on the ground.
 22)a.In the universe there are a lot of stars that can't be seen by the naked eye.
 b.In the universe there are a lot of stars that are invisible to the naked eye.
 23)a.The speaker could be heard only with difficulty.
 b.The speaker was scarcely audible.
 b.The speaker was almost inaudible.
 24)a.This ultrasonic sound can't be heard by the human ear.
 b.This ultrasonic sound is inaudible to the human ear.

(5)动词 see/hear/find的被动形式,有时表示“存在”(existence)的意思,相当于“There+be”结构,例如:
 25)a.You can see a man standing near the gate.
 b.A man can be/is seen standing near the gate.
 c.There is a man standing near the gate.
 26)a.People heard an explosion in the vicinity.
 b.An explosion was heard in the vicinity.
 c.There was an explosion in the vicinity.
 27)a.You can find a lot of coal in this area.
 b.A lot of coal can be/is found in this area.
 c.There is a lot of coal in this area.
 28)a.You can find some stamps in that drawer.
 b.Some stamps can be/are found in that drawer.
 c.There are some stamps in that drawer.
 29)a.You can find pine-trees in most European countries.
 b.Pine-trees can be/are found in most European countries.
 c.There are pine-trees in most European countries.

(6)这类动词中,see, watch, notice, observe, feel后面可跟复合宾语,主要用于 V+ sb.+ do sth.和 V+sb.+doing sth.两种句型中。前一种句型的复合宾语是非进行时态的,表示在一般时间内全过程的动作或已完成的动作;后一种句型的复合宾语是进行时态的,表示在一特定时刻正在进行而尚未完成的动作,或在一段时间内连续重复的动作,例如:
 30)a.I saw them cross the river yesterday afternoon.(= I saw them reach the other side.)
 b.I saw them crossing the river when I passed by at four yesterday afternoon.
 (= I didn't know if they reached the other side.)
 31)a.I heard him play the violin the whole afternoon.
 b.I heard him playing the violin when I passed by his room.
 32)a.I heard a door slam.
 b.I could hear a door slamming.
 33)a.He felt the house shake during the earth- quake.
 b.He felt the house shaking when he went to bed at ten last night.
 34)a.We watched the children play in the gar- den all the morning.
 b.We watched the children playing in the garden when I arrived.
 35)a.I noticed the guest leave his home yesterday afternoon.
 b.I noticed the guest leaving his home when I passed by.
 c.I noticed the guests leaving his home one by one.
 36)a.The policeman observed the man open the window of the shop.
 b.The policeman observed the man opening the window of the shop.
 这类动词中的taste后面不能跟复合宾语,而smell后跟复合宾语,只能用 V+ sb.+ doing sth.句型,例如:
 37)a.He smelt something burn in the kitchen.(Impossible)
 b.He smelt something burning in the kitchen.
 38)a.I saw him come up the street.
 b.He was seen to come up the street.
 39)a.I saw him coming up the street.
 b.He was seen coming up the street.
 40)a.The policeman observed the man enter the bank together with a woman.
 b.The man was observed to enter the bank together with a woman.
 41)a.The policeman observed the man trying to force the lock of the door at midnight.
 b.The man was observed trying to force the lock of the door at midnight.
 有些动词,如 catch, find,也可后跟复合宾语,但只用于 V+ sb.+ doing sth.句型,例如:
 42)a.We caught the thief stealing.
 b.The thief was caught stealing.
 43)a.I found her cooking in the kitchen.
 b.She was found cooking in the kitchen.
 此外,动词see,watch,hear后跟复合宾语,还可用于 V+sth.+ done和 V+ sth.+ being done句型,例如:
 44)a.He saw the visiting team beat his team.
 b.He saw his team beaten by the visiting team.
 c.He saw his team beaten.
 45)a.He saw the visiting team beating his team.
 b.He saw his team being beaten by the visiting team.
 c.He saw his team being beaten.
 46)a.They watched the visiting team beat their team.
 b.They watched their team beaten by the visiting team.
 c.They watched their team beaten.
 47)a.They watched the visiting team beating their team.
 b.They watched their team being beaten by the visiting team.
 c.They watched their team being beaten.
 48)a.She heard some people speak English.
 b.She heard English spoken by some people.
 c.She heard English spoken.
 49)a.She heard some people speaking English.
 b.She heard English being spoken by some people.
 c.She heard English being spoken.

 (7)动词 can see/can hear的否定形式,有时表示缺乏或丧失视力或听力的概念,即表达“盲”(blindness)或“聋”(deafness)的意思,也可以用相应的形容词blind,deaf来表示,例如:

50)a.The old woman can(still) see very well.

b.The old woman is(still) able to see very well.

c.The old woman(still) has very good eyesight.


51)a.The old man can't see at all.

b.The old man is unable to see at all.

c.The old man is blind.


52)a.The man can't see very well.

b.The man is unable to see very well.

c.The man has very poor eyesight.

d.The man is almost/nearly blind.


53)a.He is going blind.

b.He is losing his eyesight.


54)a.He can no longer see.

b.He is no longer able to see.

c.He has gone blind.

d.He has lost his eyesight.


55)a.He is blind in one eye.

b.He is partially blind in his left/right eye.


56)a.He can't hear at all/a thing.

b.He is unable to hear at all/a thing.

c.He is totally deaf.


57)a.She can't hear very well.

b.She is hard of hearing.

c.Her hearing isn't very well.

d.She is almost/nearly deaf.


58)a.He is rather deaf.

b.He has poor hearing.

c.His hearing is poor.


59)a.She is becoming deaf.

b.Her hearing is getting worse.


60)a.She has become deaf.

b.She has lost her hearing.


61)a.He is deaf of/in one ear.

b.He is partially deaf in his left/right ear.


(8)动词see的使役性概念,即“使看见”的意思,可以用 make/let sb.see表示,也可以用 show表示,例如:

62)a.She let her husband see the letter.

b.She showed the letter to her husband.

c.She showed her husband the letter.


63)a.He made me see my mistake.

b.He showed me my mistake.



64)a.She prevented her husband(from)seeing the letter.

b.She hid the letter from her husband.

c.She put/kept the letter out of her husband's sight.




感觉行为型动词表示人利用眼、耳、鼻、舌及其它感官,主动地去感受外界事物刺激的行为。这是一种“主动感觉”(active perception)。主要动词有 look at/listen to/smell/taste/feel等。现将这类动词特点分述如下:


79)I looked carefully and saw a man in the distance.


80)I listened attentively but heard nothing.



81) a.I(can)see a bus in the distance.


b.I am looking at a bus in the distance.


82)a.I(can)hear what she is saying.


b.I am listening to what she is saying.


83)a.I(can)smell the perfume.


b.I am smelling the perfume.


84)a.I(can)taste salt in my porridge.


b.I am tasting the porridge,to see if it contains enough salt.


85)a.I(can)feel the ground.


b.I am feeling the ground with my leftfoot.


(3)动词 look at和 listen to后面可以跟复合宾语,句型为 look at/listen to+sb.+doing sth.,表示“注意看”或“注意听”的意思,例如:

86)a.I looked at them running.

b.I watched them running.


87)We listened to him playing the piano.


(4)动词 look at,see,watch用来表示目的状语时,是否可行,要根据词组搭配而定,例如:

88)a.I'm going to look at the film.(Impossible)

b.l'm going to see the film.

c.I'm going to watch the film.(Impossible)


89)a.I'm going to look at television.(Impossible)

b.I'm going to see television.(Impossible)

c.I'm going to watch television.


90)a.I went to look at the Picasso exhibition.

b.I went to see the Picasso exhibition.

C.I went to watch the Picasso exhibition.(Impossible)


91)a.I went to look at a football match.(Impossible)

b.I went to see a football match.

c.I went to watch a football match.



92)a.I'm hearing you clearly.

b.I'm receiving your message.



93)a.She regarded him thoughtfully.

b.She looked at him thoughtfully.


94)a.She scanned the doctor's face for a sign of hope.

b.She looked closely at the doctor's face for a sign of hope.


95)a.He glanced round the room before he left.

b.He quickly looked round the room be- fore he left.


96)a.Several possible buyers are coming to view the house.

b.Several possible buyers are coming to see the house.

c.Several possible buyers are coming to look at the house.


97)a.He eyed me up and down.

b.He looked at me carefully.

c.He studied me closely.

d.He examined me for a long time.


98)a.He peered at me over the top of his glasses.

b.He looked at me searchingly over the top of his glasses.


99)a.She stared at him in surprise.

b.She looked at him with strange staring eyes.


100)a.The children were gazing at the toys.

b.The children were looking at the toys with great interest.


101)a.He gaped at her in surprise.

b.He looked at her with his mouth open.



102)a.I looked at my watch quickly.

b.I took/gave a quick look at my watch.


103)a.She glanced at the newspaper headlines.

b.She took/gave/threw a glance at the newspaper headlines.


104)a.She stared at me rudely.

b.She gave me a rude stare.


105)a.Smell this and tell me what it is.

b.Have/Take a smell at this and tell me what it is.


106)a.The dog was smelling(at) the tree.

b.The dog was taking/having a smell at the tree.


107)a.The cook tasted the soup to see if he had put enough salt in it.

b.The cook took/had a taste of the soup to see if he had put enough salt in it.



感觉表现型动词表示外界事物对人的感觉器官刺激所产生的结果或表现,基本句型为 It looks/sounds/smells/tastes/feels/appears/seems+adj.+ to sb.例如:

108)a.I look at/examine the boat and find it small.

b.The boat looks small to me.


109)a.We look at/examine the camera and find it pretty good.

b.The camera looks pretty good to us.


110)a.She looks at/examines the watch and finds it expensive.

b.The watch looks expensive to her.


111)a.I listen to the music and find it pretty awful.

b.The music sounds pretty awful to me.


112)a.She smells/takes a smell of the food and finds it unpleasant.

b.The food smells unpleasant to her.


113)a.He tasted/took a taste of the beer and found it bitter.

b.The beer tasted bitter to him.


114)a.I try the jacket and find it uncomfortable.

b.The jacket feels uncomfortable to me.


115)a.I find he is well this morning.

b.He appears well(to me)this morning.


116)a.I find he is crazy.

b.He seems crazy to me.


117)a.I find your life-raft is unsafe.

b.Your life-raft seems unsafe to me.


118)a.It looked to me as if the doctor was a foreigner.

b.The doctor looked to me as if he was a foreigner.

c.The doctor looked(to me)like a foreigner.

d.The doctor looked foreign(to me).

e.The doctor had a foreign look about him.



119)a.You look well.

b.You're looking well.



感觉痛苦型动词表示人的身体或神经所受的痛苦,如feel,ache,hurt,itch,tingle,pain,sting,tickle及get on one's nerves,set one's teeth on edge等,这类动词本身表示延续性概念,使用或不使用进行时态,其含义是相同的,例如:

120)a.I feel hungry.

b.I am feeling hungry.

c.I am suffering from hunger.


121)a.My head aches badly.

b.My head is aching badly.

c.I have a bad headache.

d.I am suffering from a bad headache.


122)a.My left knee hurts.

b.My left knee is hurting.


123)a.He itched all over.

b.He was itching all over.

c.He had an/the itch all over.

d.He suffered from an/the itch all over.


124)a.His finger-tips tingled with the cold.

b.His finger-tips were tingling with the cold.

c.He had a tingle in his finger-tips because of the cold.

d.He suffered from a tingle in his fingertips because of the cold.


125)a.My foot doesn't pain me now.

b.My foot isn't paining me now.

c.I don't feel pain in my foot now.


126)a.The rain is stinging my eyes.

b.My eyes are stinging from the rain.


127)a.Pepper tickled my nose.

b.My nose tickled when pepper got into it.


128)a.That noise gets on my nerves.

b.That noise sets my teeth on edge.

c.That noise upsets my nerves.


在这类动词中,feel可以表示身体、精神或情感等方面的痛苦感觉,如 feel cold/hungry/sad/bad/discouraged/discontented/disappointed等.也可以表示积极的、肯定的、正面的情感,如feel happy/well/comfortable/sure/confident等。动词feel的这种用法,相当于动词be.例如:

129)a.He is confident of success.

b.He feels confident of success.


130)a.We are not bound to accept the offer.

b.We don't feel bound to accept the offer.



131)a.I could feel something crawling up my arm.

b.I felt something crawling up my arm.


132)a.I felt the water with my finger-tip,to see if it was hot.

b.I tried/touched the water with my fingertip,to see if it was hot.


133)a.I felt the water and found it hot.

b.The water felt hot to me.


134)a.I felt hot when I walked in the sun.


b.I felt hot when I ate the food with pepper.



135)a.I feel(that) he is right.

b.I think(that) he is right.


136)a.I came to see that the plan was unwise.

b.I came to understand/realize that the plan was unwise.


137)a.I heard that John would come.

b.I was told that John would come.


句型 Sb.hears/finds oneself doing sth.不是表示感觉能力或感觉状态,而是表示“意外结果”(unexpected result)或“意外经历”(unexpected experience)。这个句型可以改为 Sb.is(unexpectedly) heard/found doingsth.或People(unexpectedly)hear/find sb.doing sth.,例如:

138)a.She heard herself saying afterwards to the amazement of her friends,“I've won the first prize.”

b.She was(unexpectedly)heard saying afterwards to the amazement of her friends,“I've won the first prize.

c.People(unexpectedly)heard her saying afterwards to the amazement of herfriends,“I've won the first prize.


139)a.One day a few weeks later he found himself sitting in a village house,facing an old man of about eighty.

b.One day a few weeks later he was (unexpectedly)found sitting in a village house,facing an old man of about eighty.

c.One day a few weeks later people (unexpectedly)found him sitting in a village house,facing an old man of about eighty.




过渡型动词表示由一种状态向另一种状态过渡的动作。这类动词用于进行时态,不同于过程型动词,不是强调过渡动作本身的过程,而是着重表明接近于过渡的完成状态。这类动词表示“出现”(appearance)、“消失”(disappearance)、“消亡”(perish)、“出发”(departure)、“抵达”(arrival)、“升起”(rise)、“落下”(fall)、“开始”(beginning)、“停止”(stoppage)等起始终止阶段的概念。表示人或物“出现”概念的动词有appear,make one's appearance,come out,emerge等,例如:

83)a.Quite a lot of new actors and actresses are appearing on the stage.

b.Quite a lot of new actors and actresses are making their appearance on the stage.


84)a.A large animal was emerging from the water.

b.A large animal was coming out of the water.


85)a.The moon was emerging from behind the cloud.

b.The moon was coming out from behindthe cloud.


表示人或物“消失”概念的动词有disappear,vanish,fade away,lose等,例如:

86)a.Our difficulties are disappearing.

b.Our difficulties are going out of existence.

c.Our difficulties are passing from existence.


87)a.The man was disappearing down the road.

b.The man was going out of sight down the road.


88)a.The snow is disappearing.

b.The snow is melting.


89)a.This usage of the word is disappearing.

b.This usage of the word is going out of existence.


90)a.The sun was vanishing behind a cloud.

b.The sun was disappearing behind a cloud.


91)a.Many kinds of animals are vanishing from the earth.

b.Many kinds of animals are becoming extinct from the earth.

c.Many kinds of animals are passing awayfrom the earth.


92)a.The man was vanishing from sight in the distance.

b.The man was going out of sight in the distance.


93)a.The coastline was fading into darkness.

b.The coastline was going slowly out of view in the darkness.


94)a.The noises were fading away in the distance.

b.The noises were going out of hearing in the distance.


95)a.All memory of!his childhood was fading from his mind.

b.All memory of his childhood was going out of his mind.

c.He was losing all memory of his child-hood.


96)a.She is fading away.

b.She is losing strength.


97)a.He is losing his eyesight.

b.He is going blind.


表示人或物“消亡”概念的动词有die,pass away,perish,wither等,例如:

98)a.The old man was dying from cancer.

b.The old man was passing away because of cancer.


99)a.The crops were dying because of lack of rain.

b.The crops were perishing because of lack of rain.


100)a.The leaves of this plant are dying off.

b.The leaves of this plant are dying one by one.



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  • 曹荣禄   提出于 2017-04-08 09:52