2 as引导定语从句指代问题

His unfailing politeness, seen in such gestures as when he would say goodbye to every volunteer on his way out of a tournament or, just this Monday, when he arrived at Spain's team news conference and made a beeline for the stenographer to shake the hand of the person who would be typing up the transcript of the Q-and-A session for reporters. 这句话的as when这个as 引导定语从句,它指代in such gestures吗?

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最佳答案 2024-12-07 13:25

谢邀。such...as... 这是一个惯用句式,两个词相互依存。对于as引导的部分,不同语法体系有不同解释。有的解释为定语从句,有的解释为比较状语或such的补充语等。为了帮助你理解,我需要把这个句子给你补全;seen in such gestures as(were shown或he showed)when he would say goodbye to... 从这里你应该可以看出为什么可以解释为定语从句或比较状语分句了。如果理解为定语从句,as相当于关系代词,大致等同于that,指代such gestures。英语中的the same ...as... 句式也有类似用法,道理基本相同。请看外刊例句:

attachments-2024-12-SfqiSP5t67537c19db915.png这个句子相当于...wearing the same clothes as worn 或I wore when I went to sleep. 

此外,你问题句的politeness后的逗号应去掉,加上can/could be比较规范,否则此句没有谓语动词。

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  • 张小豆   提出于 2024-12-02 22:04