What percent的回答


61题答案没有It's,数字直接放前面可以直接写数字吗还是写成单词,如果加一个主语是It's 22 percent.还是It reached 22 percent.

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最佳答案 2023-11-13 13:27

What percent has the average annual growth of the Chinese robotics industry reached over the past five years.


回答用:It has reached 22% (22 percent)它已达到了百分之二十二。

备注(1):It指代the average annual growth of the Chinese robotics industry

备注(2):what percent是对百分之多少提问,即对百分之前面数词提问。

The average annual growth of the Chinese robotics industry主语//  has reached谓语动词// 22  percent宾语// over the past five years时间状语// 

对以上划线部分的数词22 提问,就是下面特殊疑问句。

What percent has the average annual growth of the Chinese robotics industry reached over the past five years?

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