2 look behind me和look behind的比较

At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroads with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I approached the light, it turned red, and I braked to a halt. I looked left, right and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, but there I sat, waiting for the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction.

请问上面句子I looked left, right, and behind me在behind后面使用me是否正确,是否应该去掉me?

学生的疑惑在短语look behind和look behind me:一个使用副词,一个使用介词短语,哪个用法正确?


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最佳答案 2023-10-11 04:44

look behind和look behind me:一个使用副词,一个使用介词短语,两个用法都正确。

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陈才   - 英语教师

At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroad with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I approached the light, it turned red, and I braked to a halt. I looked left, right and behind me.


备注:look behind =look behind me

1look left不及物动词(look)+副词(left)用法

Turn left at the third crossing.在第三个十字路口向左转。

They looked left, then right and crossed the street. 他们向左看然后向右看,穿过街道.

2look right不及物动词(look)+副词(left)用法

Turn right at the third crossing.在第三个十字路口向右转。

Look right and left before you cross a street.  过马路之前要向各个方面看看.


3looked at the left介词(at)+方位名词(left)用法

She was sitting on my left .她坐在我的左边。

Twist your body to the left, then to the right.先向左转体,再向右转体。

Take the next road on the left .在下一个路口向左拐。

4look at the right介词(at)+方位名词(left)用法

Take the first street on the right .走右手的第一条街。

She seated me on her right.她让我坐在她的右边。


1look behind不及物动词(look)+副词(behind)用法

 Don't look behind or you may fall.  别向后看,不然你会摔跤的.


2look behind me不及物动词(look)+(behind)用法

Whenever you lose contact with the enemy, look behind you.  

如果你失去了敌人的踪迹, 转头看看.



1behind  adv.留在原处;留下来; 后面地

I was told to stay behind after school 我被告知放学后留下。

This bag was left behind after the class.这个书包是有人下课后落下的。


2behind  prep.的后面,的背面/背后

There is a small street behind the station车站后面有一条小街

Who's the girl standing behind Jan?站在简身后的女孩是谁?


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