3 boast和定语从句的相关问题

1Given all these disadvantages , central bankers seem to have had much to boast about of late.

问题1:请教曹老师,这里的about是介词吗?既boast about是悬空不定式作much的定语吗?那这个of late 该怎么分析呢?也是作much的定语?

相似例句:Prodigal only one meter six, she was touched as nothing to boast about

问题2: 这句话中,boast about也为悬空不定式,作nothing的后置定语?另外,prodigal only one meter six 这是省略了being的独立主格作让步状语吗? 

2But it is little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river.

问题3请教曹老师,这里的on a bride off which 后面是一个定语从句吗?which 是指代先行词bridge的吗?既:they both fall off bridge into the river.?

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最佳答案 2023-06-17 08:09

1 of late 为习语,= recently,在句子中作状语。2 这个句子你抄错了,touched 应该是touted。即便如此,这个句子的意思也莫名其妙。除非你能给出这个句子的出处或上下文,否则分析该句是没有任何意义的、3 是的。

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