5 “量词”的使用对于“否定转移”规则的影响

按照Randolph Quirk所提出的“否定转移(transferred negation)”的规则,可知,在对语义的理解层面上,必须强制性地将“主句的谓语的否定式”理解为“宾语从句的谓语的否定式”,例如:

I dont think students are right. 应被理解为 I think students are not right.


I don’t think all students are right.

请问:此时,“否定转移”的规则是否会被影响?这个新句子在语义层面究竟应该被理解为I think all students are not right.,还是应该被理解为I think not all students are right.

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最佳答案 2023-03-28 16:51

首先你对all的否定理解就不准确,I think all students are not right和I think not all students are right. 的意思是一样的,属于部分否定。所以I don’t think all students are right. 相当于I think not all students are right. 或I think all students are not right. 即我认为不是所有的学生都是对的如果你想说每一个学生都不对,要用none of the students are right. 

I don't think 类似说法,语义上之所以可以理解为否定在后,我想因为think 是一种意识行为,肯定或否定的一般是意思行为的对象,不是这种行为本身。意识的本身,如果脱离了它的对象,其肯定或否定是没有意义的,甚至是不存在的。在英语里,I don't think这种否定前移,主要是为了说话婉转,留有余地而已。


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