such as 的成分问题

1. It was a newspaper of a new type, such as had never before existed in the history of the labour movement.



定语从句:as had never existed in the history of the labour movement

2. 然后我在网上百度的结果---such as意为例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的,相当于likefor example后面接多个名词或动名词,作状语。

请问例句1和例句2中的such as为什么成分不一样呢?


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最佳答案 2021-09-06 15:41

你的句子as 应看作引导定语从句,可以理解为 It was a newspaper of SUCH a new type, AS had never before existed in the history of the labour movement.  百度解释的such as是另外一种用法,和你的例句无关。具体可查询本网关于such as 的用法,应该有不少类似解答。

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