1 成分分析(except,not... but...)

1,Except Tom,all the student went to the party. .2, My husband hates Christmas, not the Christmas itself, but the commercial aspect of it. 【问题】以上两句中," Except tom","not...but...."语法上如何分析?是不是状语?如果是的话是哪一种?谢谢。
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最佳答案 2018-12-28 14:41

1,Except Tom,all the student went to the party.  

except Tom为介词短语作除外状语(adjunct of exception) (夸克)

2,  My husband hates Christmas, not the Christmas itself, but the commercial aspect of it.


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  • zbr1016. 提出于 2018-12-27 19:34
