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在通常情况下,我们说一个名词可数或不可数,多半是指它在表示某个特定意思或某种特定用法中的使用情况。你问“不可数名词在什么情况下可以变成可数”,可能是指:一个名词通常(在表示大多数意思时或在大多数用法中)是不可数的,但在某些特殊情况下它也可能可数的。1. 下面以 cheese 为例作个说明:(1) 它用作物质名词时,...

回答于 2022-09-28 20:54

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共同点:两句中的 no 均表示语气较强的否定。不同点:第一句中的 no 是副词,用于修饰形容词 good;第二句中的 no 是形容词,用于修饰名词短语 English teacher。翻译:He was no good at English. 他的英语一点儿也不好。He was no English teacher. 他绝对算不上英语老师。补充:用作副词的 no 主要用于修饰比较级。如:H...

回答于 2022-09-19 20:24

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麻烦老师帮忙讲解一下这三道题,谢谢1. Online copyrights come at the top because of the powerful lobbying of music companies, ______ faced with a rapidly eroding business model than as victims of crime.A. having better described as firmsB. which are described to be firmsC. which are better described a...

回答于 2022-09-18 14:22

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go to school与go to our school

没错,英语完全可以说 go to sb's school,其中的 one's 可以是 my, his, her, our, their 等,根据不同语境可以表示“去某人的学校”“上某人的学校”等。网友句子的意思是:About 3000 children go to our school. 大约3000儿童在我们学校求学。又如:The husband and wife went to his school just now. 这对夫妇刚才去了他...

回答于 2022-09-18 14:15

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Monday last 是什么用法

英语确实通常是说 last Monday,但有时(比较正式)也说 on Monday last(注意前面有介词 on)。比较:We moved in last Monday. 我们是上周一搬进来的。 We moved in on Monday last. 我们是上周一搬进来的。类似地,表示“下个星期几”,我们通常用 next Monday 之类的,其实也可以用 on Monday next 等。比较:I will vis...

回答于 2022-09-18 14:10

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at the back of my refrigerator是什么意思

从上下文语境来看,at the back of my refrigerator 的意思应该是“在我的冰箱的后部”,也就是“在我的冰箱的最里面”。句意:If that’s hard to understand, let’s keep it as simple as the arugula at the back of my refrigerator.如果这很难理解,咱们就把可以简单地把它当作我的冰箱(最)里面的芝麻菜。又如:There’s s...

回答于 2022-09-05 21:56

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thousands of tons of...后接不可数名词作主语谓语动词用单数还...

用复数 were。谓语动词与 tons 保持一致。又如:Thousands of tons of steel were shipped out from the docks. 数千吨的钢铁从码头运走了。Thousands of tons of earth were moved to build the dam. 成千上万吨泥土被运来修建堤坝。

回答于 2022-09-05 21:51

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好题享(62): 比较级疑问句

根据《剑桥英语语法》,应该是:Than whom is John taller?Than what does John eat more rice?

回答于 2022-05-20 18:03

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in the company介词短语分析

正:I put a bag full of money on the desk.正:I put on the desk a bag full of money.正:I got a job in the company.误:I got in the company a job.一般说来,动词与宾语之间不宜被状语分开,除非宾语较长或较复杂。比较:正:I got in the company a job superintending the production process.

回答于 2022-05-02 13:33

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好题分享(46):what 用法(3)

我觉得这个 what 必须保留。因为这个 what 并非主句比较项(包括渗透后的比较项)的对应项,即这个 what 无法解释为比较项的对应成分。但下面这个 what 最好省略,因为它可以解释为主句比较项smaller size or amount 的对应项:It is smaller in size or amount than is considered necessary.只是个人理解,不妥之处,请大...

回答于 2022-05-02 13:09