如何理解:lay something on the line

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最佳答案 2016-05-07 13:03

on the line 作为一个短语,其意为“岌岌可危;冒极大的危险”。如:

Their careers were on the line. 他们的职业生涯岌岌可危。

He wouldn't put his career on the line to help a friend.  他不会为了帮助朋友而让自己的事业受到威胁。

所以你说的 lay something on the line 可以理解为:让某事物受到威胁;让某事物处理危险之中。

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  • 1 收藏,2585 浏览
  • Kruwoqz 提出于 2016-05-05 11:33
