
Of all we men whom I think should be available for office, Thompson is the first who comes to mind.这里的whom为什么换成who,我的理解是of all we wen 是状语,i thinkwhom的定语should be available是系表语,但是主语应该用主格who,应该是i think  whom为什么是错的了!

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最佳答案 2022-07-01 22:38

句子是错误的。应该是 Of all men whom I think should be available for office, Thompson is the first who comes to mind. men后面是一个嵌入式定语从句,关系代词指代men并在嵌入分句中作主语,所以应该用主格关系代词who。用whom为错误。who可以在非正式语体中作宾语,但whom不能作主语。

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