
VOA 《46th US President Makes Immediate Changes to Policy, Rules》

It took four days of uncertain election results until Joe Biden could announce this.

The people of this nation have spoken: they've delivered us a clear victory.

Donald Trump would continue to question the results,

rallying his supporters in what ultimately led to a riot at the US capitol.

没看懂 in what中的in表达了什么意思?

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最佳答案 2021-01-27 15:00

in 就是在。。。中的意思。in 后面指的是导致在美国国会山暴乱的事件中。what =the thing that  你读完句子,需要理解英语的意思,不能完全用汉语逐字逐句的来对照。你得体会英语思维。

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  • bjxue 提出于 2021-01-24 16:29