1 BUT可以表并列关系吗

But unlike their absolutist counterparts inthe Gulf and Asia, most royal families have survived because they allow votersto avoid the difficult search for a non-controversial but respected public figure.

这里 non-controversial, respected 都是褒义,为什么用but?

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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

But unlike their absolutist counterparts inthe Gulf and Asia, most royal families have survived because they allow votersto avoid the difficult search for a non-controversial but respected public figure.

网友的质疑是有道理。虽然 and 和 but 都是连词,连接两个平行对等的分句、短语、单词,但是,and 是“同义并列”;but 是“反义并列”。

a non-controversial but respected public figure.(用词不当)


a non-controversial and respected public figure.(正确表达)


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  • 1 收藏,3142 浏览
  • aspenpiano 提出于 2020-04-04 21:10
