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2024-01-31 08:21 关注了问题

2024-01-14 09:49 发起提问

2024-01-10 22:29 回答问题

可以参考一下语法术语object的英文释义:1. Grammatical objects are nouns or pronouns that complete the meaning of verbs and prepositions. Additionally, almost any group of words that functions as a noun can be an object, such as noun phrases, noun clauses, gerunds, and infinitives.2. (Grammar) a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase whose referent is the recipient of the action of a verb.   (Grammar) a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that is governed by a preposition. 3. grammar : a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun that receives the action of a verb or completes the meaning of a preposition.薄冰教授的语法书是国内传统语法学派的代表,也可参考他书里的宾语定义:宾语(object)是表示及物动词的动作对象和介词所联系的对象的,常由名词或相当于名词的词担任,置于及物动词或介词等之后。

2024-01-10 16:57 回答问题

提供点理解,仅供参考。1. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage有这样的解释:Look well and feel well tend to express good health. Look good does not generally refer to health, it relates to some aspect of appearance.This need not be personal appearance.2. 国内陈敦金对“well”的解释似乎有些绝对:good 和well都可以当形容词用在连系动词be,seem,look和feel之后,但语义不同。well只指“健康状况”。如:She looks/seems/feels well. (healthy)She looks good. (good appearance)She feels good. (cheerful)Those cakes look good/*well.(Those cakes look as if they taste good.)因为还有这样的说法,很有参考价值:"That apple looks good."解释为"That looks like a good apple.",而"He looks good."解释为"He appears to be a good man."。look well一般用于指健康状况,如"He looks well."解释为"He looks healthy."或"He seems to be in good health."。look well也可以表示某人的外观或外表(appearance),如"She looks well in that hat."解释为"She makes a favourable impression."但是,well作为形容词描述外观这一说法,不少辞书没有收录。不过,在《韦氏大学英语词典》的well形容词词条,有这样的解释:well adjectivepleasing or satisfactory in appearanceOur garden looks well.—Conrad Aiken

2024-01-09 17:47 回答问题

当名词被形容词最高级修饰或被序数词限定时,一般后接不定式作后置修饰语,此时的名词一般与不定式构成主谓关系,不定式动作的发生时间可以先于谓语动词动作的发生时间。所以,这里的不定式动作是先于became完成的。即:先通过后成为。Swan有类似说明:He's the oldest athlete ever to win an Olympic gold medal.(= ... who has ever won …)所以,… became the world's oldest person "to pass" the professional Rubik's Cube B-level exam.类似于:… became the world's oldest person who had passed the professional Rubik's Cube B-level exam.仅供参考。

2024-01-04 10:57 回答问题

首先all what这一说法,一般来说,是不可接受的。葛传椝教授就认为,“all what是绝对不可用的。”有说法说,“what作为融合关系词时,本身表示all the things,再加all属于重叠。但是,一般会把what解释为the thing(s) which。”所以,可能会以为,加个all,那不正是all the thing(s) which了吗?但是,一般不会见到限定词去限定限定词,一般限定词用于限定名词,代词或名词性结构。而且,all和what均属于前位限定词,存在互斥性,不并列使用。what引导的从句,分析为名词性疑问分句或名词性关系分句时,其结构形式往往相同,根据句意,再理解what是否含有疑问含义。从二者结构形式往往相同的角度,名词词性疑问分句也不会说,all what he was doing。至于C项中的what,是否可以把what视为关系代词。这一说法,薄冰教授谈过,what可以看作关系代词,但是,这一用法一般被认为是非标准英语或方言,不宜仿效。他的这一说法似乎来源于Evans:At one time what could be used as a simple relative and represent a proceding word,as in l had a horse what wouldn't go,but this is no longer standard.而,《柯林斯高级英语用法词典》的作者们则对上述what的这一用法直接否定:不可说:The man what you met is my brother.或The book what you lent me is very good.在此类句子中,应该用who,which或that,要么就不用关系代词。所以,C项还是不宜选。谈谈理解,仅供参考。

2024-01-03 11:25 回答问题

advise的动词用法,Evans这样解释:It may also be followed by a that clause.But in this case,if advise means recommend,the clause verb must be a subjunctive or a subjunctive equivalent,as in l advise that he go at once.The infinitive construction is preferred.lf advise is used to mean merely inform,the clause verb is in the indicative,as in l advised him l was going.国内葛传椝教授对惯用法造诣深厚,当advise表示“建议”时,他认为下列3句都正确,第4句错误:1)l shall advise that he read/should read more carefully.(虚拟语气)2)l shall advise that he reads more carefully.(很少用)(陈述语气)3)l shall advise him to read more carefully.下句错误:4)l shall advise him that he reads more carefully.张道真教授在advise“建议”词条列举了这样的例句:l advised her that she should wait.(DCE)而,网友的问题句,比较倾向于理解为inform,牛津对“inform“的释义为:to tell sb about sth,especially in an official way所以,这里的advised sb that…倾向于理解为“告诉某人…”,而非“建议某人…”,所以,不用虚拟语气。注:上述1—4例句摘自《简明英语惯用法》第7页。关于这本书,前言写到“这本《简明英语惯用法》基本上是葛传椝教授独力编写的。”应该具有一定的权威性。仅供参考。