6 be to blame for的用法

The alphabet is to blame for the failure of Zoe Zysman.请问老师,这句话是谁归咎于谁呢?be to blame for包含被动的含义吗?或者这个be to blame 是表示一种将来时吗,就像be to do 一样?

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最佳答案 2022-06-05 22:20

        这个to blame 被当做习语对待,意思是“引起某事的原因” 或“是某人的过错” ,逻辑上有被动含义,但其实这个习语强调的某人某事是过错方,可以把 to blame这个不定式 当做一个形容词看待,一般不表示将来。 这个例句的意思是“Zoe Zysman 的失败要怪字母表”.再如,1) who is to blame?--"I"m to blame. 怪谁?--怪我。2)They were in no way to blame. 这绝不能怪他们。3) Nobody is to blame for it.这事谁也不怨。4)Which driver was  to blame for the accident ? 哪位司机是此次事故的肇事者?5) A freak storm was  to blame for the power outrage.停电的原因是一场反常的风暴。

        to be blamed 意思有所不同,表示某人要被问责,责备,但并不一定表示那真是他的过错,比如  1) Yes, somebody is to be blamed for Boracay's  mess ,they need someone to blame.  2)  Defoe is scarcely to be blamed for using his new-found art upon gross themes.笛福用他新发现的艺术来描绘世俗题材,这不应该受到指责。3) You are to be blamed and punished.4) He is greatly to be blamed for his negligence.他粗心大意,应该受到严重指责。(某院报文认为张道真语法大全里“He is to blame(=to be blamed).”中这个to be blamed 不符合习惯用法,是错误的。其实不然)

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