
性别: 注册于 2022-04-20

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2022-05-12 16:09 回答问题

这个句子主干是这样的, But并列了两个to:The term schedule in this case does not refer to ... but to ... the time-based models that have been discussed previously in the book这一部分有一个定语从句,关系代词在从句里面做主语。

2022-05-12 15:58 回答问题

She described her role as that of a...= She described her role as the role of a....that作替代词,再比如The weather of Beijing is colder than that (=the weathe)of Guangzhou. 北京的天气比广州冷。

2022-05-02 11:56 回答问题

同意。这个和dream come true是同一个结构。come:Publishing this novel is really a dream come true. I never thought I'd see the day it happened.go:Well, that's my holiday plans gone up the spout!唉,我的休假计划全泡汤。(牛津)

2022-05-01 21:21 回答问题

2. 是否可以分析为what引导了一个wh分句在介词后面作宾语,这样一来就有:research indicate what to be。可是我对此出indicate的用法有些疑惑,平常我见到的indicate要么是接n作宾语要么是n性分句作宾语,少见后面接复合宾语的。于是我上COCA查找indicate sth to be的用法,只找到了4例indicate it to be的用法。 这个分析是对的,似乎是因为"4个"比较少,产生怀疑。COCA有很多,比如宾语位置是两个单词的有102个:

2022-04-20 17:38 回答问题

at least phrase  1. not less than a particular amount or number, and possibly more      Mr Gray will remain the director for three years at least.      The disease killed at least 120 people in England last year.      We are expecting to at least double our money.      at the very least (=not less than and probably much more than): The journey will take a year, at the very least.      Thesaurus: too much, extra and moresynonym   2. even if nothing else happens or is true      At least no one can accuse me of hiding the truth.      You might at least have waited for me.      We have reached an agreement that at least gives the company a chance to survive.      at the very least: At the very least the player is guilty of violent behaviour.      Thesaurus: true, definite and based on factssynonym   3. used when mentioning an advantage that exists in spite of the problem or disadvantage that you have just mentioned      A two per cent pay rise is not very much, but at least it’s better than nothing.      You lost, but at least you can say you tried.      The work is difficult, but at least the pay is good.      Thesaurus: despite somethingsynonym   4. used when you are saying something that changes or limits what you have just said      The election will mean the end, or at least the beginning of the end, of the present system.      No one saw anything, or at least they’re not talking about it if they did.      Thesaurus: ways of adding extra informationsynonym 后两种不适合换成at the very least。可以看出,这两种涉及某种对比。

2022-04-20 17:29 回答问题


2022-04-20 17:14 回答问题

我估计你是觉得这像是一个工具,不像是一种方式,但实际上方式状语是一个大类。根据夸克“大全”:四种语义类型的方式附加:She uttered the words with cold deliberation. [ 方式附加状语] She spoke from notes. [ 手段附加状语 ] The speech was made audible with an amplifying system. [ 工具附加状语] It was heard by millions. [施动者附加状语]

2022-04-20 17:08 回答问题

He left home, with his wife a hopeless soul. 后面理解为结果状语。