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2024-07-15 11:15 发起提问

2024-07-15 10:34 发起提问

2024-07-15 09:56 发起提问

2024-07-10 10:44 发起提问

2024-06-20 21:25 回答问题

(asked for) her help in what she described as a little spot of bother这里介词in后的what从句可以笼统地解释为宾语从句,根据语意,这个what从句的连接词没有疑问含义,进而可以把what从句解释为名词性定语从句,从意义上而非结构上的解释,可以把what理解为融合型关系代词(先行词和关系代词融合一体),可转换为the thing which she described as a little spot of spot,所以,这个what从句在本质上是一个名词词组,再与其前in搭配,可以构成介词词组。则名词词组的基本构成为:限定词her+中心名词help+后置修饰语in what she described as a little spot of bother。单纯从结构上看,in what…部分可以解释为名词help的后置修饰语或者你所说的后置定语。如果把女儿的帮助和警察的帮助作为区分,限定性后置修饰语的解释行得通。如果针对于这个特定事件,把介词词组in what…解释为谓语动词asked for的方面状语也没有问题。可能二者没有太大的取舍。个人理解,仅供参考。

2024-06-20 20:42 回答问题

是的,which they did not know they owned是一个限制性定语从句。从结构形式上看,这个定语从句是一个主从复合句,只不过关系代词which移位于定语从句句首。不妨把指代先行词something useful的关系代词which还原回去,便可知主从复合句的原形:they did not know they owned something useful,所以,主句为they did not know,宾语从句为they owned something useful,从句是主句的内嵌部分,根据还原的句式再去看待句中的定语从句,指代先行词something useful的关系代词which,是主句they did not know的内嵌宾语从句they owned的宾语,所以,可以把定语从句which they did not know they owned解释为嵌入式定语从句。个人理解,仅供参考。

2024-06-20 13:55 回答问题

The machine is to be redesigned.根据试题的选项设置,应该是按照“be动词后可接不定式分句”(例如Collins Cobuild English Usage的be词条7有类似的解释)来设计的。这个句子也可以换种方式解释: 把be to解释为情态习语,后接省略to的不定式,因为the machine与redesign在逻辑语意上构成被动关系,故而使用不定式的被动形式。试对比:1) The machine should/must be redesigned.2) The machine is going to be redesigned.此外,关于be to的处理,查阅并阅读了一下外版材料,语法学者们的处理不尽相同。L.G.Alexander按照The use of 'am/is/are to处理;Collins Cobuild English Usage在be词条处理为“You sometimes use to-infinitives clauses after be"; Bas Aarts把be to处理为modal idiom,同时还采用了Rodney Huddleston的解释;Rodney Huddleston按照quasi-modal be解释;章振邦教授把be to解释为semi-auxiliary。当然,be to的术语名称和其用法相比,并不是那么重要。如果感兴趣的话,可以阅读以下材料:1. L.G.Alexander的Longman English Grammar 9.48.1 The use of 'am/is/are'部分2. Bas Aarts的Oxford Modern English Grammar 10.3.10 Modal idioms和10.3.10.3 BE[to]部分3. Rodney Huddleston的The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language Quasi-modal be部分4. Randolph Quirk的A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language 3.45 Modal Idioms: had better,etc,3.46 The meanings of the modal idioms(d)和4.47Concluding comments on constructions expressing future time部分5. 章振邦《新编高级英语语法》6.1C半助动词部分至于Huddleston所说的quasi-modal,Bas Aarts是这样解释的: The label 'quasi-modal' indicates that in spite of its one modal property(and its modal meaning) this be doesn't in fact qualify grammatically for inclusion in that class.

2024-06-18 11:43 发起提问

2024-06-15 15:18 关注了问题

2024-06-15 15:16 回答问题

同意陈老师对what从句的分类分析。融合型关系代词what引导的名词性关系分句是否可以作为外置主语,有不同意见。通常的解释是:名词性关系分句本质上是一个带有限制性关系分句的名词词组,所以,不能外置。关于名词词组是否可以外置,有这样的说明:1. Rodney Huddleston在所著的The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language中有这样的论述:(b) Extraposition of NPsNPs generally cannot be extraposed, but there is a very limited range of types that can:[13]i lt's extraordinary the amount of beer he puts away.ii lt impressed me the way she disarmed him.iii lt's incredible the things they get up to.The NPs concerned all have the form "the… N+relative clause". They are a special case of what we have called 'concealed questions': they are more or less equivalent to the interrogative clauses how much beer he puts away, how she disarmed him, what they get up to. At the same time, the matrix VP gives an exclamatory meaning:[i] conveys that he puts away an extraordinarily large amount of beer, and so on.Extraposition is optional: we can also have the basic versions The amount of beer he puts away is extraordinary, and so on.此外,在The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language中有名词性关系分句不可外置的论述:(c) No extraposition[6]a. What she suggests is unreasonable.b. *lt is unreasonable what she suggests.Like ordinary NPs, fused relatives do not occur in the extraposition construction. Here too they differ from clauses: compare That we should have to do it ourselves is unreasonable and lt is unreasonable that we should have to do it ourselves.但是,在其他语法资料中可以找到what名词性关系分句作外置主语的实例。1. 在Bas Aarts等所著的The Handbook of English Linguistics中,有篇Speaking and Writing English(作者Jim Miller and Andreea S. Calude)论文,在其中Can Unplanned Speech be Analyzed?一节中有这样的论述:Many constructions begin life confined to spoken language but make their way into writing,particularly texts that are not subject to the scrutiny of teachers and publishers' editors. As an example,H&P(2002.p.1069) say that the example It is unreasonable what she suggests is incorrect, but the authors have noted the same construction,as in lt's unfair what they're doing to the union, in conversation, radio discussions,and examination scripts. Copy-editors would exclude it, but in a speech it is very common. Because spoken language is not "self-conscious" or "self-monitored"(Halliday2016 p.12), it enables the potential for innovation to flourish, making it an ideal place to look at where language change is going.2. 在Angela Downing and Philip Locke合著的English Grammar-A University Course(Second Edition)中,有这样的论述:30.5 extraposition of clausesCertain types of long subject clauses are usually avoided in English because they violate the end-weight principle, and sound awkward(see p.47). Finite that-clauses,wh-nominal clauses and to-infinitive clauses can all be shifted to the end of the sentence and replaced by 'anticipatory it' in subject position. The resulting structure is called extraposition.Extraposed clauselt's a nuisance that the banks are closed on Saturday.lt's horrifying what they are proposing to do.lt would be unwise to interfere.Extraposed clauses are much preferred in English to the non-extraposed, as they sound much less awkward. The reason for this is that they satisfy the principles of end-weight and end-focus,thus 'packaging' the information in a way that is easier to process.3. 在Douglas Biber等合著的Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English中,有这样的论述:9.3.1 Structural types of Wh-clausesWh-clauses can be controlled by adjectival predicates as well as verbs, and they can occasionally be extraposed.Adjectival predicate + extraposed wh-clause:It was incredible what had happened to them.(FICT)lt seemed incredible how much had happened.(FICT)lt was not immediately clear how, if at all,the Soviet Leadership could enforce such a ruling.(News)4. 在Richard Side and Guy Wellman合著的Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency中,有这样的论述:Introductory There and ItSometimes It refers forward to a noun clause in the sentence:It's amazing what you learn from hanging around bars.lt frightens me that there are so many criminals around.we use It especially with that-clauses,wh-clauses and to-infinitive clauses that may be formal in subject position.The sentences above could be rewritten:What you learn from hanging around bars is amazing.That there are so many criminals around frightens me.此外,英语母语者认为lt  isn't true what they said.(They're lying)是自然的。https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/past-tense-or-present-tense.3314817/在葛传椝教授编著的《英语惯用法词典》中,也有what引导的名词性关系分句作外置主语的论述。所以,what引导的名词性关系分句是否可以作为外置主语,语法学者们持不同意见。从实例来看,It is true/amazing/surprising/incredible/unbelievable what…这样的表达,比较常见。但是,如果把what引导的名词性关系分句,随便外置使用,似乎过于草率。所以,对于网友所说的名词性关系分句作主语的那个句子,还是不太建议采用外置主语的形式。个人观点,仅供参考。